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Control Warrior is still alive

  • Last updated May 13, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Fatigue Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 15420
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/6/2016 (Old Gods)
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Hi, I'm Baldu, an Italian player.

I love all control decks, but in particular i always loved Control Warrior.

With this deck I've a 100% WinRate from rank #20 to rank #12 and an 80% from rank #11 to rank #5.

With 20 UP I'll write a mini guide

With 50 UP i'll write a full guide


UPDATE 1: WOW! Thank you to everyone for your advices, tomorrow I'm gonna write a full guide of this deck and I hope you're gonna like it. I can't write it now because here where I live It's 00:50 and I'm gonna sleep, Tomorrow when I'll wake up I'll write It. Again, Thank you boys!

Mulligan Guide:

vs Rogue Fiery War AxeArmorsmithBashShield BlockAcolyte of Pain

vs Shaman Fiery War AxeArmorsmithBashBrawlExecute

vs Warlock Fiery War AxeArmorsmithAcolyte of PainBrawlRavaging GhoulExecute

vs Warrior Fiery War AxeArmorsmithBashJusticar Trueheart, if you have coin Cairne Bloodhoof

vs Priest Fiery War AxeBashExecute, and if you have coin Nexus-Champion Saraad or Cairne Bloodhoof

vs Druid Fiery War AxeArmorsmithBashBlood To IchorExecuteShield Block

vs Paladin Fiery War AxeArmorsmithBlood To IchorBrawlRavaging GhoulAcolyte of Pain

vs Hunter Fiery War AxeArmorsmithBashShield BlockCruel TaskmasterAcolyte of Pain

vs Mage Fiery War AxeArmorsmithShield BlockShield SlamBash

Card Explanation and Replacement:

-Blood To Ichor: This is a good card against Aggro/Flood decks because he deals 1 damage and summons a 2/2 for 1 Mana, and also it's in combo with cards like ExecuteAcolyte of Pain and in some cases Armorsmith

-Execute: This is one of the best removal of the game, and with the warrior you don't have any problem to damage an opponent's minion, you have cards like Blood To IchorCruel Taskmaster and  Ravaging Ghoul

-Shield Slam: Like Execute this is one of the best removal of the game, with  your Hero Power synergy or with cards like Shield BlockBashJusticar Trueheart you don't have any problem to remove your opponent's Big minion

-Armorsmith: Against Aggro decks like Flood Paladin, Zoo, Face Hunter and Egg Druid this is a very solid minion, but also against Control decks too, because it is very hard to deal 4 damages in the first 4 turns. If you find many Face Shaman you could think to replace him with Doomsayer

-Cruel Taskmaster: This is a good card against Aggro decks dealing 1 damage, or giving to one of your minion +2 attack if you need or to damage one of your opponent's minion. Very good card with ExecuteAcolyte of Pain and Grommash Hellscream.

-Fiery War Axe: The best weapon to destroy minion in the first turns.

-Bash: This is a Frostbolt with 3 mana cost and also it gives you 3 Armor. Good removal

-Ravaging Ghoul: This is the perfect card against Flood decks like Zoo and Flood Paladin destroying every 1/1 minions, it is a Whirlwind with a 3/3 body, Astonishing! It is a very good card with Execute and Acolyte of Pain

-Shield Block: This and Acolyte of Pain are your draw cards, and also It gives you 5 Armor, so good with Shield Slam, on turn 4 you could destroy a 5 health minion and Armoring up for 5 Armor

-Brawl: I know, in this card you have some RNG, because if your opponents play Onyxia and you use it, Onyxia could survive, but this is too unlikely. Also you have Sylvanas Windrunner on board and you use Brawl, if one of your opponent's minion survives you stole it. The Dream

-Gorehowl: imho the best weapon in the game, it can deal 28 damage if you attack minions, too strong!

-Grommash Hellscream: Your finisher, with Cruel Taskmaster you can deal 12 damages, it is also strong if you have to remove an opponent's minion and put a 10 attack minion on the board.

-Acolyte of Pain: You best card draw also also it is a good minion against Aggro decks, if you can draw at least two cards, you have created an huge value. So good with Blood To IchorCruel Taskmaster and  Ravaging Ghoul

-Nexus-Champion Saraad: I love this card, a 4/5 body for 5 mana is not too bad, but his effect can allow you too many combo or just giving you an health card or a burst card. This and Elise Starseeker are very different, because Nexus-Champion Saraad adds cards to your hands without drawing from your deck, all this kind of carts, like discover cards, gives you an huge value and also if you play it, your opponent has to remove it spending some tempo. If you don't like this card you can replace it with Harrison Jones or The Black Knight

-Cairne Bloodhoof: Before nerf and the Standard, It was a bad card, your opponent always silenced it, and it was too slow. Now this card is back, If you consider it could be an 8/10 for 6 mana, this is Insane. Your opponents never play silencer cards, so this forced your opponent not to play AoE cards and if he uses them you'll still have a 4/5 minion. As Nexus-Champion Saraad you can replace it with Harrison Jones or The Black Knight

-Justicar Trueheart: This card in a Warrior deck is insane, after you summon it every want you want you can spend 2 mana and you'll have 4 Armor, this is broken 

-Sylvanas Windrunner: Simply the best legendary card atm. If you need you can destroy it with Shield Slam or other cards if you need to stole an opponent's minion. UNREPLACEBLE

-Ragnaros the Firelord: You can use it to remove a big minion or to deal 8 damages on your opponent's face, If it starts sniping it can be Insane and with the BGH nerf it becomes difficult to remove it. You can replace it with Baron Geddon or if you want Chromaggus.

-Alexstrasza: "I bring Life and Hope". You can use it to make your opponent's health 15 and the next turn finish him with Grommash HellscreamCruel Taskmaster or to make you 15 health if you are next to die. 

-Deathwing: Your last winning card. If you are on fatigue against another Contorl Warrior and you know he used every removal, playing it can make you win. If you are against Aggro decks, your opponent's board is full and you don't have any removal, you can play it. Imho it is a very very strong card but if you don't love it you can replace it win Ysera

I hope you liked my guide and I'm sorry for my English. If you have any questions don't have any problem to ask it to me.


UPDATE 2: Thanks to all of you boys!


<pre class="codeStyle"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/IPzImCr.png&quot; alt="" width="618" height="281" />&nbsp;</pre>


UPDATE 3: Some of you guys made a video of this deck, I really appreciated that

BalduRulez's Amazing Control Warrior

HearthPWN D3CK Sp0tl!ght: BalduRulez's Control Warrior (is still alive)

Hearthstone | Control Warrior is still alive Deck & Decklist | Constructed STANDARD | BalduRulez