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Classic Handlock

  • Last updated May 12, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Handlock
  • Crafting Cost: 9260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/11/2016 (Old Gods)
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Hey everyone this is my first deck I am sharing on Hearthpwn.

This is my classic Handlock hope you enjoy it!



This Deck performs extremely well vs other control and mid-range decks , sitting at about 80% w/r vs slower match ups, that includes combo. The downside of course is aggro decks, I have added some early game to help with the aggressive decks running you over quickly before you have time to ultimately play your deck. Although with that the deck sits right under 50%.


Video guide and game play on how the deck works


Note : I am at lower ranks in this video, I have been experimenting with a lot of decks because I plan to make a lot of competitive and fun decks for the community to try out.


Basic Strategy/Mulligan

Keep in mind the mulligan for Handlock is pretty similar across the match-ups, use this as a guide and add your own opinion to what you're facing.

Control / Slower match-ups

These match-ups are my favorite , and the mulligan is simple. Typically you're going to want to aggressively look for Mountain Giant  Twilight Drake. Remember you will be tapping until turn 3/4 ( depending if you have the coin and  Twilight Drake and/or Mountain Giant).


I hate these match-ups, for the most part it's just hank and spank for your opponent. Luckily I have catered the deck to combat aggro in the early game to help you stabilize. You're going to want to look for Sunfury Protector Earthen Ring Farseer Imp Gang Boss Hellfire Mortal Coil. I listed almost every early game card however I did not list Ancient Watcher only keep this if you have the activator Sunfury Protector. Most times in the aggressive match-up you will play Sunfury Protector just for tempo to help slow down the game. Unlike every other match-up using hero power isn't that great because you will fall behind on board and give your opponent more damage to bring you closer to your death.

You're going to want to fight for the board with your early game cards and hopefully play your threats and taunt them up to stabilize. Once you start winning ( Determined on turn 5-6 )  95% of the time you win the game.

Quick Note on some Mulligans on specific classes


Mortal Coil is great vs most rogues since there is an abundance of Death rattle rogues. Mortal Coil helps a ton vs Loot Hoarder you can slow the rogue down so they don't get double draw synergy with Unearthed Raptor


Shadow Bolt If you see this card, keep it. Deals Really well with Frothing Berserker. Obviously your board clears wreck havoc on the patron warrior as well.