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Wild Top 100 Legend Nzoth Priest

  • Last updated Jun 15, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/29/2016 (Old Gods)
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I've climbed from rank 5 to Legend in Wild with this deck this season. 

This deck has a very strong draw engine (pyromancer+acolyte+spells, northshire+full board of damaged minions + circle), so your first goal is to get 8-9 cards in your hands. This will help to get to your numerous AOE removals (auchenai + circle, nova, lightbomb) and stabilize the board. Later get your deathrattle minions killed and get them revived with Nzoth for that finishing move.

Any questions hit me in comments I will try to answer.

 Proof of legend http://postimg.org/image/odlla0a7f/

UPDATE: since this deck got a bit of attention, here are some random tips off top of my head:

Mulligan for Northshire, Pyromancer, Acolyte, Shadow Word Pain. With coin keep auchenai and shredder. Keep Circle if you have Northshire or Auchenai.

Vs paladins save your Entomb for Tirion at all costs.

It's ok, especially early when you dont have a lot of cards in your hand, to deliberately damage and not kill as many minions as you can (opponent's included!) and then use Northshire+Circle to draw a lot of cards.

Try to be greedy with your Lightbomb. For example if opponent puts Dr Boom on an empty board and you have 25+ health, wait one more turn for opponent to put more minions for more devastating Lightbomb effect. Similar logic goes to Auchenai+Circle. Especially if you have Belcher in hand. Put Belcher on the board to stall opponent and use Lightbomb next turn.

If you lightbomb on turn 9, put Acolyte on board first.

Use Pyromancer either as a board clear or as a way to hurt Acolyte.

Vs freeze mage use Flash Heals for your own face only.

Look for opportunities to profitably Shadow Word Death your own Sylvanas.

Auchenai + 2XFlash Heals + Hero Power is ofter a surprising lethal combo.

Vs Warriors try to make him Brawl your board pre Nzoth, this is very hard though.

And main tip once again - your first objective is to draw a lot of cards to have "perfect answers to every move" as Priest opponents often say.

UPDATE: Furo posted a 30min youtube video playing this deck, here it is: