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[YOGG-PATCH] - Slimjimm's Curator-Portal Druid ...

  • Last updated Oct 4, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 10960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/13/2016 (Karazhan)
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WOW Thank you all so much for the amount of likes and comments i got for this deck :) 


I'm a 25 year old student from germany. As you can see I listed a deck Kripp showed in his recent video


I decided to give it a try and went 10-1 the first games. The draw engine and survivability is perfect in this deck. Hope you guys have fun with it!

Please feel free to comment on the deck :)



 Against Aggro always keep:

Living Roots, Wrath, Loot Hoarder, Swipe and Mounted Raptor

Against Control always keep:

Innervate, Wild Growth, Raven IdolMounted RaptorLoot Hoarder


This deck has 3 win conditions and a ridiculous draw engine.


If possible try to draw with Wrath as often as you can. 

Raven Idol, Mark of Y'Shaarj, Loot Hoarder, Azure Drake and The Curator will make sure that your hand is always full.


Win conditions:

Card Justification 

Barnes / N'Zoth, the Corruptor

Barnes is one of my favorite cards from the newest expansion. I know this deck uses only 5 deathrattle minions which could benefit from Barnes and N'Zoth but trust me even if you just bring back a Sylvanas Windrunner it's worth it. 


Moonglade Portal

When first seeing this card I thought that it's one of the weaker portals. Playing this deck i though I realized that it might actually be the best one there is. Midgame you can heal yourself and get a almost always decent 6 drop (except when you get Corrupted Seer Kappa)

Lategame I often used it to heal my Arcane Giant 


Edit1: if this post reaches +50 likes I will post a detailed guide :]

Edit2: Thank you so much for +60 likes guys! The guide is here. I will try to improve it when I have the time ;) Since I'm not an english native speaker, feel free to correct any mistakes I made.

Edit3: Thanks again für almost 55k views and +120 likes! I updated the decklist due to some very good advice from the comments below :) 

- 2x Mark of Y'Shaarj

- Loot Hoarder

+ Brann Bronzebeard


+Mark of the Wild

Edit4: I did some testing and found that brann and barnes were not performing too good in this deck. I know a lot of you already told me in the comments. So I did the following changes:

-Brann Bronzebeard


+Elise Starseeker

+Bloodmage Thalnos

Edit5: Due to the recent Yogg-Patch I removed the Lord and Savior himself and replaced him with Mire Keeper