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[Writeup] Ness's Control Warrior

  • Last updated Sep 15, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 12000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/14/2016 (Karazhan)
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Here is a Control Warrior - one of the most popular and favourite of Control decks in Hearthstone.
After ONiK released there were a lot of attempts to create new and strong Control War. But they had not really good win rate. 
They couldn't beat too many of Midrange decks in current META.

But Ness's Control Warrior could get high rank Legend. Let's see him.

We have a lot of removals and draws to survive vs Aggro decks. In late game we win.
Vs Control decks we can transform all not needed cards into Legendaries by Elise Starseeker.
Another win conditions are: Alexstrasza and Grommash Hellscream.
I think, it's not big discover for you.

I like to play by Ctrl War and played a lot of games by many edition of it. Let me give you some advices:
1. Whtn you play vs Aggro Decks do not use mass removals on 2-4 minions. Try to play Brawl as late as possible.
2. Do not forget that Revenge does 3 dmg if you have 12 or less HP. May be you should attack with weapon first than play Revenge
3. Another side of "attack by face" is Shield Slam. First Shield Slam than attack, because you can remove all needed armor.

In control matchups.
Try not to draw.
Don't play Acolyte of Pain if you really not need it. Let it be one of Legendaries.
Use Slam to kill minion, not to draw.
Vs Ctrl Warriors hold your Harrison Jones for his Gorehowl. Not Fiery War Axe! If he doesn't play it - let it be one of Legendaries.

1. Fiery War Axe - our best start
2. Slam - for draw. Good vs Mages and Hunter. They a lot of cheap minions with 2 HP.
3. Acolyte of Pain - draw.

Also I like to keep:
1. Execute vs Druids (what if double Innervate and something big?), vs Shamans for 7-7, Rogue for Edwin VanCleef.
2. Revenge vs Warlocks.
3. Ravaging Ghoul vs Warlocks.
4. Bloodhoof Brave with a coin if I've already have something from main Mulligan.
Can think about Harrison Jones and Brawl vs Shamans if I have 2 good starting cards.

1. Baron Geddon - I don't like him, because he does dmg to myself. So if he should help us vs Aggro deck on 7th turn - we are almost dead already.
I'd change him for Ironforge Portal.
2. Harrison Jones. If you don't have him - play Acidic Swamp Ooze.
3. Alexstrasza for Ragnaros the Firelord.

Any questions - let's discuss!