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(S30) Hybrid Hunter FULL GUIDE

  • Last updated Sep 24, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 3400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/24/2016 (Karazhan)
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Hi guys. This month I reached Legend on US server with my less played class: Hunter. And this especfic deck is good against both aggro and control decks, which make really consistent in meta at the moment.

Without further ado, let's see the guide.


Always muligan for Fiery Bat, Abusive Sergeant, Huge Toad and Kindly Grandmother. If you already have a 1-drop and a 2-drop, you can also pick Animal Companion or even Eaglehorn Bow. With the coin and a 1-drop plus a 2-drop, picking Barnes and Infested Wolf is a big deal. With the coin, a 1-drop and Kindly Grandmother, you should hold Houndmaster because it's almost guaranteed you can use rightly it's battle cry on turn 3. A 2-drop plus another 2-drop, followed by a 3-drop is also a good start, if you have the coin.

Never pick cards like Kill Command, Savannah Highmane or Call of the Wild in starting hand, even against control matchups. The board dominance is very important at the start of the game. Sometimes you might consider to hold a Quick Shot if already have a 1-drop or a 2-drop, especialy against Shaman, Mage and mirror matchups.

Cards Choice

Abusive Sergeant: also known as Trademaster. The plan is use it to make a good trade, but don't be afraid to simply drop it on turn 1. It has great sinergy with Fiery BatKindly Grandmother, Argent HorseriderUnleash the Hounds and Infested Wolf's critters. 

Fiery Bat: one of the best 1-drop in standart. It's also a beast and trades good with almost all 2-drops.

Dire Wolf Alpha: this card has very good sinergy with Unleash the Hounds and can be used to temporarily buff your minions to make a good trade. And again, don't be afraid to simply drop it on turn 1 if no more options are avaible.

Huge Toad: it's a beast and has the potential to be traded against minions like Totem Golem, Azure Drake, Barnes, Frothing Berserker, Fierce Monkey, Flamewaker and Cloaked Huntress, very common in this meta.

Kindly Grandmother: it's a beast that summons another beast, which makes a perfect target for Houndmaster, prevents board clears and and it's hard to be removed. After all, Did someone say Barnes?!

Quick Shot: early game, this spell can be usead as a cheap removal; late game, as a finisher or to draw a card. A very flexible spell.

Animal Companion: a fantastic value card. At 3-mana it grants you a Beast which is always more powerful than a standard 3-mana minion even you can't control the randomness.

Argent Horserider: this guy can makes good trades, especially with some buff's cards like Abusive Sergeant, Dire Wolf Alpha and Leokk.

Eaglehorn Bow: so, why two of this without secrets? The answer is: it's like a Fiery War Axe for one more mana. And who would'n pick a Fiery War Axe in a Warrior deck? An weapon helps to keep the board and can be usead as a finisher with 6 face damage.

Kill Command you can ready a 5-damage spell. With tons of beast, rarely you won't get the full value of this card. Use as huge removal or a finisher, as you wish.

Unleash the Hounds good against Shaman, Zoo Walorck, Midrange Hunter, Aggro Paladin, Tempo Mage... Very good sinergy with Abusive Sergeant, Dire Wolf Alpha and Leokk.

Barnes: on with the show! It can summon a 1-1 Fiery Bat, Dire Wolf AlphaHuge ToadKindly Grandmother, Argent Horserider Infested Wolf, Tundra Rhino or the dream: Savannah Highmane. And even summoning Abusive Sergeant or Houndmaster, 4/5 stats for 4 mana is OK.

Houndmaster: this guy makes your beast better than never and protects you against very agressive decks. Over half of your deck is made of beasts, so this card has giantic potential.

Infested Wolf: very anoying for your oponent to deal with it. A beast that summons two beast and a decent 4-drop.

Tundra Rhino: if your oponent can't deal with it, just win the game. This card has great sinergy with Deathrattle beasts when making trades and has big potencial for face damage with cheap beasts.

Savannah Highmane: why does hunter can put 2 copies of his classic legendary card on deck? Oh, wait. It's just rare. But this card shames King Krush. If your opponent doesn't kill it, he'll have a problem. But if he kills, he'll also have a problem.

Call of the Wild: this card call the wild, the mom, the gramdmon and the brazilian Flamengo's fans. If it's not over powered, I don't know what it's mean.

Cards Not Included

Secrets: there is no place for any secret in this deck. Not even a Freezing Trap? No, because that's the first Hunter's secret your oponent play arround and most of time a poor minion will active it.

Deadly Shot: this current meta is very fast. If you need removal, you can use Abusive SergeantQuick ShotArgent HorseriderEaglehorn BowKill Command
Unleash the Hounds and Huffer. You won't wanna see your Deadly Shot hitting a basic totem.

Ragnaros the Firelord: it's one of the best target for Barnes, I know. But it's too slow for this meta and not efective against Shaman.

Game plan

The game plan for this deck is more simple than never. Make good trades, controle the board, and finish your opponent using cars like Quick Shot, Eaglehorn BowKill CommandCall of the Wild and spamming your hero power. That's all.

I hope you guys enjoy this deck and have a nice lenged!