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Elemental Fusion!

  • Last updated Oct 22, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 9 Minions
  • 19 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Totem Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 4480
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/3/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • Chimera
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The goal of this deck is to keep the board under control while getting value from spell damage and totems, drawing through your deck full of damage until you find lethal. Win condition is usually a final burst of damage, for example:

- 15 damage with only 2x lava burst + lava shock if you have +1 spell damage
- Save wicked witchdoctor + windfury + primal fusion, and buff an existing minion for surprise lethal. PRIMAL FUSION LAST FOR THIS!
- You can also use bloodlust.



Firstly we must identify how this deck wins. Usually it wins by a final burst of damage. It may also win simply from accumulative damage. You want to aim and plan around setting up a board and saving certain cards to unexpectedly finish off your opponent. This may be achieved through Bloodlust, however you may also harness the power of spell damage and chain together Lightning Bolts Lava Shocks Lava Bursts and Primal Fusions. Weapon damage and Flametongue Totem damage helps as well.

I aim to start the game with a Spirit Claws whenever possible. It is the best card you can play turn 1 for this deck. Turn 2 i almost always hero power, but it depends if/how much my opponent is pressuring me. If you are not being presented with many immediate threats use your cards sparingly, your hero power is your friend. 

If you get the coin try to save it to summon a totem after playing Wicked Witchdoctor or for some other important situation. If you do need to spend it to contest the board that is fine, but only if you have to. When you do play Wicked Witchdoctor try to avoid spending every spell you can just to make totems; don't waste anything while getting this value. Keep in mind possible ways that your opponent can clear the board still and try not to over-extend too much. If you are really concerned about removal it may be wise to try and bait/wait it out.

Try to sequence your spells in the best possible order. This can be one of the more complicated aspects of this deck. Remember that Wicked Witchdoctor triggers before the spell actually resolves, so you will have a new totem each time before the spell actually is cast. 

If you have a spell but you are one damage short, you can play it and hope you get a spell damage totem for that extra damage, but preferably you should cast other less crucial spells first to see if you actually get one first and play it safe. With Primal Fusion be aware that the newly summoned totem will count as well for an extra +1/+1 so count that when you count damage. This is best played last for the largest buff. 

Think about how to ration out your removal each game. Try to identify the archetype you are matched against and which key cards they will have that are best to Hex. For example, you know a midrange hunter will have Savannah Highmane, and you know a control paladin will have Tirion Fordring, so plan to keep at least one for when they make an appearance. Do not be afraid to use one to help re-gain control of the board or neutralize a threat that you otherwise can not deal with. It can buy you a lot of time and help swing tempo in your favor often, but think carefully.

Be aware of the minions remaining in your deck when you play Barnes so you can take advantage of the summoned 1/1 if possible. I prefer to try and wait longer than turn 4 to drop it because if i get a Wicked Witchdoctor i would like to get some value from that as well. You can also get some bonus spell damage and card draw, so just be aware of the odds. 

When using Spirit Claws try to only hit face when you have spell damage, and try to save the last durability for clearing a minion if you can. Beware of Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison Jones which some decks are running right now. Lastly, be careful with sequencing of overload spells and Lava Shock to maximize value there as well. Don't be afraid to use Lava Shock a a removal if it is required, though. Especially late game when you have a lot of mana and a lot of cheap cards; the overload has much less of an impact.

Card Breakdown

Tunnel Trogg - This is a great 1 drop and because there is so much overload going on here it there is no reason to exclude it. Turning overload into damage can stack up fast if left unattended 

Feral Spirit - This is a good card for getting on the board. In this case it is useful after the inevitable board clear of your opponents to put something immediately in their way so you can prepare your next moves.

Lightning Bolt - A cheap source of damage with a lot of utility. Some matches you will use it to clear minions and trigger witchdoctor, others you will use it to burst down your enemy

Primal Fusion - Amazing card. A cheap and easy way to buff a token with up to +6/+6. Great for lethal damage as well at the end of the game. Be aware there is a disconnect bug when playing this card with witchdoctor sometimes and i am not sure what causes it

Spirit Claws - Amazing card. You can do anywhere to 3-9 damage with just one of these. Very flexible for clearing minions or whittling down your enemy's life total

Ancestral Knowledge - A very nice card to cycle your deck and draw important cards. The overload can be negated with a lava shock for more value.

Flametongue Totem - A quick way to beef up your board damage if you have existing minions and it counts as a totem as well.

Lava Shock - Flexible damage to distribute where it is needed while also relieving some overload. Very important card

Lightning Storm - This is a great aoe and the more spell damage you have the better. I ended up liking this better than maelstrom portal because it has stronger standalone damage.

Hex - One of the best hard removal cards that will bail you out of some sticky situations assuming you draw it at the right time. Try to be aware of what the best targets might be in the particular deck you are playing against so you make the best use.

Lava Burst - 3 Mana for 5 damage is really good, especially if you are using them to finish off your opponent late game. With the potential for many spell damage totems these could be potent in combination with other damage sources.

Windfury - This is a great card to combo with a minion after you use bloodlust or primal fusion for example. It basically doubles the value of the previous spell in this case. Be careful if you attempt to use it to clear minions because you don't want to waste it.

Maelstrom Portal - Auxiliary aoe in this deck, and generally a good card. Scales well with spell damage and provides a minion to add to the board. Can't go wrong with this.

Wicked Witchdoctor - Probably the most important card in this deck. You can make many totems with this and the way it interacts with your spells is really convenient. You can fill the board in no time if you plan ahead and it makes bloodlust spectacular

Bloodlust - This is another core card because it is your most clear win condition. It is simple to use, you just need to set up enough totems and count your damage. Double bloodlust on turn 10 is nuts

Azure Drake - Azure drake is a valuable card and a 1/1 with spell damage is not terrible from barnes either. Another card that helps to cycle the deck.

Bloodmage Thalnos - Very versatile with it's spell damage and cad draw in one package. A strong tool in this deck as it is in many others.

Barnes - This card gets great value with this deck because of how few minions in it.


 The mulligan for this deck is pretty simple. You always want to get a Spirit Claws and Tunnel Trogg. If you have them keep them, and if you don't mulligan for them.

You may choose to keep some other cards depending on what you expect to encounter.  For some decks you may require a Lightning Bolt, Lightning Storm, Hex, or you may like to keep an Ancestral Knowledge to draw into your deck more. 

When you have the coin it may definitely be wise to keep Lightning Storm in most cases, and Wicked Witchdoctor is a great choice to keep as well because of the coin. Do consider Bloodmage Thalnos as well for some spell damage when you need it most.


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