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Rosty's Totem mid-range Shaman

  • Last updated Oct 6, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Totem Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 4700
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/6/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Here is a deck featured on vicious syndicate: 


For the lazy:


Midrange Shaman’s gameplay is much more conservative than the aggro version of Shaman. While they both use the hero power to discount Thing from Below, Mid-Range goes further by playing Thunder Bluff Valiant and turning all totems into a win condition. If Tunnel Trogg or Totem Golem are not in your hand, it’s fine for your early game to be passive and simply hero power because you are just trying to develop totems to fill the board. As the game progresses you can try and gain card advantage through minions like Tuskarr Totemic and Mana Tide Totem.

The suite of removal spells to actually get to your late game is limited but strong. Hexcan be used for a large minion or to neutralize a Deathrattle minion entirely whileLightning Storm is good at clearing out boards filled with smaller minions you might not want to target with spot removal.  These being the only removal spells are a big part of why players have been including two Fire Elemental. Although 6/5 is a solid body, a lot of the time you’ll want to hold it until you can shoot down a minion to clear the board as opposed to casting it on curve because dealing 3 to your opponent’s face is comparatively underwhelming. Play on your curve, and don’t play scared and you will find success. In control matchups, try to squeeze as much value from your hero power as possible in order to force board clears without committing too many of your resources.


Beast Druid, Mid-Range Hunter, Secret Hunter, Aggro Paladin, Anyfin Paladin, Control Paladin, Dragon Paladin, Control Priest, Dragon Priest, Miracle Rogue, Aggro Shaman, Zoo Warlock, Dragon Warrior


Freeze Mage, Aggro Mage


Harrison Jones is a strong weapon tech for this deck as the midrange stats can provide value as opponents struggle to remove all of your threats. Stormcrack can be a really strong removal option in a meta filled with 4 health minions like Azure Drake.Primal Fusion can really flex its muscles considering the emphasis you put on creating totems and can often swing games.  A strong alternative win condition is the good old fashioned Bloodlust, as opponents aren’t always willing to play around it.


While nice, Bloodmage Thalnos is not necessary for the build and can be replaced by any strong impactful two drop. Al'Akir the Windlord has seen a rise in play as a possible win condition. To replace him, just opt for alternative strong Shaman win conditions likeDoomhammer and Bloodlust.