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Stealthy Shields [In Trial]

  • Last updated Nov 4, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 4460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/1/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Working on a heavy aggro deck, looking for suggestions to beef it up. 

This deck climbed from 17 sitting at rank 12 and hopefully with some good adjustments we can take it even further.
Currently for this month we're sitting at rank 15-16 which really changed this deck.

Aldor Peacekeeper is a fantastic card, it neutralizes big threats and gives us a 3/3 body to boot all on turn 3. This can really save us in the event we don't have Equality and a minion to trade it on the board.

Bloodmage Thalnos is now included in this deck to help us out with those pesky shamans, he's great at giving us a 3 damage board wipe if equality isn't around, He also pumps up a newly included Hammer of Wrath.

Hammer of Wrath is OK at best, but its what we got, it cycles so that helps, its mainly supposed to be used in combination with Bloodmage Thalnos to help clutch a situation, plus we cycle both cards which is neat-o.

Solemn Vigil I feel was heavily overlooked, it comes in as a good replacement in the late game for Divine Favor or even better when we're forced to trade so we can replenish our hand.

Rallying Blade I've had good times with this card but unfortunately with the removal of Steward of Darkshire we never really get to see this guy shine, also it's 3 damage just seemed to fall short every time forcing me to hit twice with it. Thus Truesilver Champion has been added and has helped clear the board wipe mitigating damage as I do it. Fantastic.


Leeroy Jenkins is currently something I'm looking at, he comes out swinging more damage than our beloved Argent Commander and at a lower cost. I've used him to make trades against taunts which has saved the day numerous times where Argent Commander could not. Consider replacing 1 Argent Commander with 1 Leeroy Jenkins

Leeroy Jenkins Is an amazing card for this deck. I have nothing more to say here.

Blood Knight Is a sure upgrade, I'd consider removing 1; Jungle Panther/Rallying Blade/Seal of Champions 

Unfortunately Blood Knight just doesn't workout in this deck, we usually don't want to give up our divine shields so easily, and even when we do seeing the poor guy get scratched out with a snap is too much to handle thus he cannot be included in this deck. You can try, but you'll see he'll break your heart more often than not.

Do not consider:Silent Knight, although this guy fits the theme of the deck to a T he is absolutely worthless as he costs 3 man and only does 2 damage, we generally want to be able to force our opponents to trade down against our creatures to hold our threat

Quick guide on the deck:

Mulligan: Cards we want to see are Worgen Infiltrator, Argent Squire, Argent Protector, Twisted Worgen

A card to think about here is Selfless Hero, We generally only want this card if we have Worgen Infiltrator but there are times were we just won't get her worth off so its better to drop her when we have a bit of a board presence 

Be aware of what types of removal different heros have, warlock and mage for example have great early removal from Demonwrath & Arcane Explosion. Thus we generally want divine shield on the board in the early stages of the game so they can't completely shut us down. Play cautiously so you can refill your board and be aware of how many cards your opponent has Divine Favor is our saving grace against long-range decks pray it comes when you need it most.

During the game, nine times out of ten you're going to want to swing at face. Sometimes you'll also want to keep your creatures stealthed as waiting for a card like Argent Commander or Argent Horserider can come in to secure more damage from killing a minion with taunt. 


Right now this deck has a horrible issue. When your opponent drops a turn 1 1/3 we suddenly face a huge problem we cannot deal with easily. Cards such as Tunnel Trogg, Northshire Cleric, Mana Wyrm, Voidwalker absolutely DESTROY our early game rush presence. I am currently trying to figure out whats the best way to deal with this and unfortunately I can't figure it out. Will report back after more games, there must be something I'm missing.