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Wild Legend Renolock (+Gadgetzan)

  • Last updated Nov 19, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 12840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/5/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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(Big thanks to tiny009, this deck is very similar to his wild renolock deck and was the inspiration for me to start playing wild, using this deck.)

This is my renolock deck i've used to reach legend in wild mode twice. So far, Kazakus is looking like another game changer for the deck, pushing it way over the top. The card is a perfect fit in this deck for so many reasons, and i'm excited to try it out. Why is it so good?

1. Good at any point in the game

Kazakus can be played early or late, it can give you a spell for early or late. It is a flexable card that will be useful in all matchups, an important criteria for a card I would consider in renolock

2. It can beat control when Jaraxxus isn't good enough

Jaraxxus is a control slayer, which is why we run minimal late game other than him. The truth is, sometimes jaraxxus isn't goon enough. Like when he gets milled, or pulled off deathlord, or if our opponent has burst. This is where Kazakus comes in handy. It can pull a huge 10 cost spell that can give us a ton of card advantage that we need to overcome certain control decks. Not to mention Brann + Kazakus...

3. It does everything we want it to do.

We haven't seen all the modes on this card yet, but I am quite positive that their will be some sort of removal attached to one of the modes, which is really nice because the only removal we have right now is siphon soul. We have also seen the 10 cost spell that turns everything into 1/1 sheep, another great board clear to add to our already extensive. You can gain armor, which is more survivability which is very important to this deck. Of course it can also give you massive amounts of card advantage. This deck has almost no card draw/advantage except life tap. This is of course because life tap is incredibly overpowered. But, in some cases life tap isn't good enough. Sometimes we need a big burst of card advantage, not just a steady stream from our hero power. Kazakus can do this.

Oh and here is the best part: Turning everything into sheeps destroys n'zoth, which can be a weakness for this deck in the late game! Heck yeah!

UPDATE: New card from Gadgetzan: Abyssal Enforcer, looks nuts i'll certainly try it out.

So, on to the deck itself. We start with the fundamental concept: Renolock is a midrange/control/value deck that wins by grinding your opponent out with card advantage, with lots of healing to not only support you life tap, but also increase survivability

Almost every card in the deck is quite versatile, fitting many roles and supporting the deck from multiple angles. Before talking card suggestions, let me answer some questions/misconceptions about renolock.

1. Is the deck better with or without Leeroy combo?

Adding Leeroy combo is good in some matchups, and hurts other matchups. I personally don't use it because I don't have Leeroy, so I don't have much experience, but I don't think the combo is very important in most matchups. I think they are about the same, and it is up to personal preference.

2. Tempostorm says the deck is bottom of tier 2, so why would I play this deck over a more powerful deck?

Renolock is a deck that requires skill to master. Knowing how to play in certain matchups is very important to your success. As for tempostorm, I would not trust them, especially in wild. Renolock is favored against most tier 1 decks, favored against priest, favored against patron, 50/50 or 55/45 against secret paladin, but mainly comes down to the paladins draws. I think this deck is very well positioned, but I only use it at higher ranks with a more predictable meta. At low ranks, there are a lot of random decks, which is tricky because you don't know what to expect. 

Alright, on to the card selection for some of the weird cards in the list!

Mortal Coil:

Mortal Coil is a decently flexable card, meaning you can swap it out, but it is very nice for dealing that last little point of damage, continuing to rummage through your deck, and is great at killing and cycling off of those pesky silver hand recruits. Doesn't seem special at first, but is a solid card that works well in this deck.

Zombie Chow:

Chow gives us great early game board control. Having a turn 1 chow helps so much against secret paladin, letting us trade with their early board to prevent it from getting out of hand. The life gain is rarely relevant, because we usually win with card advantage in the long game. yes, I have seen the new Mistress of Mixtures, but chow is better because not only is the Mistress weak to Shielded Minibot, the health will not be relevant early. The Mistress is worse at controlling the board, which is chows main function. It could be worth testing.

Dark Peddler:

Peddler is a great fit for this deck. Its an early play that gives us extra things to do with our mana. Helps control the board early and can grab PO or Soulfire for extra burst later in the game. Also works with Brann.


Pretty self explanatory. Helps kill stuff, especially shredder. Worth noting that it can also be used as face damage, which can be important in some cases.


Another card that helps soften the blow in the early game, sweep away vulnerable boards letting us get the initiative. Very good against secret paladin.


Fairly weak board clear, but is misses some of our minions and can kill the boards of early midrange or aggressive decks, which is important for our deck. Can be really good against tempo mage and hunter, which are bad matchups usually.

Imp Gang Boss:

Amazing early board control, especially against decks like secret paladin and hunter, which are common on the ladder. Just too good not to run really, helps so much at keeping the board clean.

Shadow Bolt:

A bit of a more questionable choice, shadow bolt is actually really important for this deck. It is very good removal in the mid game, and helps us kill things when we don't have the board, which is something that we struggle at most of the time.

Brann Bronzebeard:

Seems interesting at first, but is one of the best cards in the deck. Combos with so many things, and can give us more burst heal with earthen ring farseer and antique healbot when we don't have access to Reno. Can be combined with MC Tech to decimate a N'Zoth, or simply a strong enemy board. Now with Gadgetzan can be combined with Kazakus to create a ton of value. Simply an amazing card.

Earthen Ring Farseer:

Again a little bit unexciting, but an excellent role player for this deck. Gives us a play early on, heals us up a bit, and can also be used to heal high health minions for mid game board control. Overall a very solid card.

Mind Control Tech:

Highly underrated card. Can be devastating against midrange decks, and it can win you games you don't deserve to win. Amazing with Brann, and can also be played early on for tempo, a commonly recurring theme in this deck.


Pretty standard, great early board clear that can also be used as reach. Destroys the board of hunters, tempo mages, and secret paladins while also being able to destroy waves of patrons. Great card.


Just amazing for board control in the midgame. Creates a midgame swing we need to stay in the game.


I've already explained why I think this card is awesome, but I have one more thing to tell you about this card. It's another payoff card for the 1-of archtype. Currently, some people can argue that having reno is not worth the loss of consistancy. But now with both reno and Kazakus, there is a significant reason to be playing a 1-of deck. Kazakus will certainly add a ton of power to this deck, pushing it over the top.


Great board clear, but most people use it wrong. It's important to capitalize on decent shadowflames so you don't end up with it stuck in your hand later. Really important card that holds the deck together.

Defender of Argus:

Again more survivability, becoming a common theme in this deck. Works well with cards like twilight drake, and can create a safety wall against aggro decks. Also works with Brann. Good card.

Piloted Shredder:

Come on, its shredder, whats not to like? But seriously this is one of the best targets for shadowflame in the deck, and works well in the mid game.

Sen'Jin Shieldmasta:

This is probably the most flexable card in the deck at the moment, but it does serve a good purpose. It really helps to control the board and survive longer against most decks, and its statline lines up well with things like Piloted Shredder. Seems bad at first, but is a solid card.


With owl gone, spellbreaker is the next best option. Don't underrate it, there are a TON of good silence targets in wild. Not to mention the countless deathrattles, but their are also buffs like velens chosen, and things like Tirion or the avenge buff in secret paladin. A card that finds a way to be good in almost every matchup.

Twilight Drake:

This card single handedly can hold down the midgame. Your early turns are most often spent tapping, and Drake will often be a huge threat. It will either eat valuable removal, or get tons of value. The line of Tap -> Brann -> Drake can also be huge against decks like secret paladin with little harde removal.

Antique Healbot:

Really an all star in this deck. Provides tons of sustain, works with Brann for burst healing, the body isn't negligible, just all around great. I would pretty much never take out this card.


Another all star, can turn a board that would be cleared into a lethal threat, has the potential to allow you to beat freeze mages, and just screws up what your opponent is trying to do. Also is sustain in some way, preventing your opponent from using spell based burst.

Sludge Belcher:

Great mid game sustain and board control. Really i'm never unhappy to see sludge belcher, just so amazing in this deck.

Siphon Soul:

The only hard removal warlock has and also has some life attached? Sign me up! I would only cut this if in the future warlock gets better hard removal, because siphon is pretty darn good.

Emperor Thaurissan:

With a big hand, Thaurissan almost always gets a ton of value. It makes your hand a lot more smooth to use and opens up more options for you.

Reno Jackson:

Need I say anything? The deck is named after this guy, he is the main reason why we run only 1 ofs (Kazakus exists now) Always a keep in your opening hand, no matter what matchup, and is just devastating for most opponents.

Sylvanas Windrunner:

The third 6 cost legendary in this deck, Sylvanas is very awkward to trade into for your opponent. Can steal important things like Tirion, and combined with shadowflame is deadly.

Dr. Boom: 

Gotta have Dr. Balanced. Dr. Boom is even better in this deck than in most because he clears the board with the boom bots, and can swing board states in your favor. Seems just like an auto include because of his power level, but he can be important for this deck's success.

Twisting Nether:

A great, catch-all board clear that usually comes in hand when your opponent has used most of their cards and is relying on board presence to win them the game. In certain cases can also be used as removal. Don't count out the twisting nether!

Lord Jaraxxus:

This card wins so many games. Because of Jaraxxus, we don't need to include a bunch of clunky late game, as this card wins the game single handedly against most control decks. Priest is helpless against Jaraxxus. Also it can be used as a heal, or as reach. It also changes your hero power for when you run low on cards and life tap becomes useless. Puts on a great clock too.

So that's it for the cards.

Matchups/Mulligan coming soon!