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December #2 legend Wild renolock

  • Last updated Dec 17, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 11640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/22/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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(Will update the write up soon)


This is my renolock i played in wild for the first week before going to play standard again. Because of how early in the season it was I made it as hard a counter to pirate warrior as I could. So you may feel going against other control decks you don't have enough bombs, its up to you as a good ladder player to identify when the meta is slowing down and speeding up at your rank and adjust accordingly. Though I believe this deck can beat priest and other renolocks if played correctly (not enough cwar to be worth teching for).

         Proof of rank :   http://imgur.com/gallery/29rkL


Mulligans (in rough order of importance):

I do coaching. If you want.

Paladin - Zombie Chow, Doomsayer, Imp Gang Boss, Demonwrath, Reno, Hellfire. Most paladins you face are secret.  They do not have much damage from hand so it is ok to be a little greedy with your doomsayer and how much you are catching in it.  If it is not beneficial to do so, do not pop their secrets. This is not an aggressive deck and so face damage matters very little, it is often right not to attack. Not popping their secrets also prevents challenger pulling a second copy from the deck. The best answer to a challenger board is to stick something the turn before you can attack with and pop their secrets (anything small will do, they usually ignore it) then  twisting nether or p.o. shadowflame. Emperor is often very good on 6 to bring these things 1 turn sooner.  Play around divine favor if you can. 

Priest - Twilight Drake, Doomsayer,  Dark Bomb,  Reno (priests know their best opportunity is to pressure you early, this can counter that), emperor if your hand is Ok otherwise, same goes for loatheb.   This is the one situation where I do not play chow on turn 1, it helps them activate Northshire which can spiral the game out of control without an answer. 

Warrior (These days I am mulliganing for pirate warrior) - Reno, zombie chow, doomsayer,  Mortal coil if going second, dark bomb, hellfire, argus if you have good early minions like imp gang boss to use it on.   Dark bomb is very crucial to kill their turn two pirate so they can't drop bloodsail cultist on 3 and get the upgrade effect. Only keep mortal coil if going second to kill N'zoths first mate, or to pair with dark bomb to kill frothing berserker, which can be very problematic. 

Mage - (if freeze): Reno, healbot, loatheb, twilight drake, refreshment vendor. This match up is very close but can be improved with cards like brann and eater of secrets. As it is there are 4 major healing cards, 5 with siphon soul, and loatheb. If you can draw into Reno and healbot without tapping too much you will probably win. Do everything you can to limit the chip damage they get from early minions so they have to stretch their burn as much as possible. Stop tapping once you think you've found enough healing, pop their block as early as possible at any cost, and be mindful of how much damage they can do. 

(if tempo)- Zombie chow, dark bomb, doomsayer, demonwrath (tempo mage has a large amount of dangerous 2 health minions), hellfire, Reno. As with freeze mage, the key is to limit the amount of minion damage they get in so they have to stretch their spell burn as much as possible.  They do not run many large minions so do not be afraid to use removal liberally. 

Shaman- Zombie chow, doomsayer, hellfire, demonwrath, Reno, twilight drake if on the coin. Midrange shaman is very powerful but also vulnerable to our clears, hellfire is very good at clearing spirit wolves, troggs, flame tongue and mana tide totems, etc. Twisting nether can be the final nail in the coffin for them if you make sure to get enough with it. You usually want to get at least a thunderbluff and/ or a thing from below.  Shamans will often hold cards back until you've used your first clear so it can be wise to wait until you have your 2nd to do that. Be mindful of bloodlust but accept that you can not always play around it and it is of course a 1 of in decks that are running it. 

Hunter- Zombie chow, doomsayer, dark bomb, imp gang boss, Reno. With the loss of call of the wild hunters have gotten more aggressive. Thus Reno and even healbot can be the deciding cards in this match up. 

Zoo - Chow, doomsayer, dark bomb, imp gang boss, hellfire, Reno. Zoo is the opposite of paladin with respect to doomsayer. You can usually count on them having an abusive you to buff up their minions so coining it out before they 5 power on the board is often correct. If they have to use a p.o to deal with it that is usually fine. Trade with their minions as often as possible so their buffs and sea giants are dead in hand.

Renolock- Twilight drake, Emperor, doomsayer.  With alexstrazsa and leeroy Combo we are very favored in this match up. Tap a lot to find them as soon as possible. Doomsayer may be a very weird keep but if you are  the coin you can play it on turn 3 when you can't tap anyway (unless you played chow or something)  to prevent their turn 4 expected twilight drake play.  This then gives you initiative with your turn 4 play.