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Gadgetzan Tempo Warrior! #TB to Old Gods

  • Last updated Dec 3, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 7420
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/30/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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With the upcoming Gadgetzan expansion, the format is bound to be slower with the insertion of infinite value jade druid golems. That would mean the meta will be more of a RPS game now, with face warrior, dragon priest, zoolock, and midrange shaman all looking to compete on ladder. This deck looks to have a decent matchup against all of them, as well as having a proactive style of play. 

But SIR, why not play dragon warrior then? 

As the meta shows now, dragon warrior gets exposed too easily. And dragon priest. Tempo Warrior makes inexperienced players mulligan badly against you, thinking that you are a grimy goon variant or face warrior instead. 

Core of the deck: Made to be very similar to the OG version of tempo warrior. Looking at the potential meta, that seems to be a good thing. 

So, How tf am i supposed to play this deck? 

The deck aims to be extremely proactive by creating early board presence and keeping it. Cards like battle rage keep your pistol loaded, while midgame cards like grimy gadgeteer and bloodhoof brave baits out removal so that your end game finishers like RAG and grom does not get removed. After establishing board, pushing face damage is important for those certain burst finishers. The best way to do that would be a jacked frothing or korkrons. 

Tech cards you might question me about: 

Grimy Gadgeteer: I feel that this card will be a sleeper in MSoG. In a deck where there is a large amount of early or midgame cards, Gadgeteer will be a powerhouse. Coining it out on 3 and playing 6/5 charges or 4/8 taunts on 4 means that the opponent might need to use hard removal on those cards, thus leaving some leeway for you finishers. Acolyte and Armorsmiths also become viable threats. Also this card cannot be left up, for you will gain so much value over time for a steamroll win. 

Whirlwind: Hard counter to any deck that curves out faster than you. More importantly, an activator for Grom, acolyte, etc..

Malkorok: Has the minor setback now, with cursed blade still in standard, but even then this card provides value and tempo for you in the late game. 

Fierce Monkey: Good target to be powered by Grimy Gadgeteer, and provides strong taunt against aggro decks. This card might even warrant Grapplehammer and kings defender to be teched in somehow for a more aggro variant. 

First Mate: Used to counter the surplus of face pirate decks. More importantly, it kind of helps with countering turn 1 mate+patches. 

Geddon: Extra board clear, counters zoo, and baits removal. Card explains itself. 

Please leave some feedback and whatever below! Mulligans will come out if this even becomes remotely popular lol

EDIT: Anti Aggro cards added to counter pirate decks and zoolocks.