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Doppeladin [S33 MSG Ranked Deck]

  • Last updated Dec 19, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 28 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 10500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/2/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Get 'em Boys! SSeeeeiinngg TTrriippllee?

Welcome to the new face(less) of Midrange Paladin! Using cards from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Expansion, Paladin gets some new tools that are extremely useful when creating a Midrange Archetype that works off of the Grimy Goons mechanic of buffing stuff in your hand.

How do you win with this deck?

You typically win with this deck by overwhelming your opponent with minions they can't handle. It will force them to make inefficient trades, use key removal, or just flat out ignore your minions. And once they finally commit a hard removal to clear your board with a card like Flamestrike, it is the time to bring the boys out with Doppelgangster to seal the deal. 

What is it good against?

It's pretty good against Jade Druid, as they are known for their horrendous removal tools. Once they use a Swipe or two they are usually done for. However it is still possible to lose if they start to unload Golems faster than you can handle them.

Pirate Warrior is a tough match up because this deck as minimal healing and not many taunts. You can patch up these weaknesses by adding Acidic Swamp Ooze, Harrison Jones, or Second-Rate Bruiser but they make your draws a bit more inconsistent and even then they won't guarantee a win for you.

Kabal is probably the deck's most interesting match up as it can go both ways quite easily. Versus Renolock it is entirely dependent on whether each player has the answers to each others cards. Such as if they have the Felfire Potion to deal with your Doppelgangsters, or if you have the Aldor Peacekeeper to keep their giant at bay.   


Well how do you Mulligan?

Cards that you are looking for in the mulligan stages would include Grimestreet Outfitter, a three drop of any kind, and a strong turn four play like Doppelgangster if you have coin or a Keeper of Uldaman.

What are some CORE cards in this deck?


Let's start off with the namesake of this deck, Doppelgangster. This card is incredible, amazing, extraordinary, and every other "Wow!" emote imaginable. Doppelgangster's key strength is how efficient it is. Your opponent usually can't use a single resource to deal with three 3/3s or 4/4s. A lot of the time it Three-For-Ones your opponent in such a way that you gain board control and card advantage.

Don't be afraid of playing Doppelgangster when it is a 2/2 just for the tempo. It is still 6/6 for stats in total at 5 mana, which is above curve. The bodies are typically slow down the opponent enough to reach the late game. But remember there are times when you should hold it for the value, such as when facing Mage. If you create 5/5s or higher they will have an incrdibly hard time dealing with them. And even they are able to fend off your onslaught of goons, it is likely that they are starting to run out of steam.


Next up are the cards that help your Doppelgangster grow stronger and stronger. These include the Smuggler's Run, Grimestreet Outfitter, Grimestreet Enforcer, and Grimestreet Smuggler.

Smuggler's Run is a strong tempo play on turn one that allows you to contest the early game fairly easily. It also activates your card draw effects of Fight Promoter and Acolyte of Pain.

The Grimestreet Outfitter is a critical two drop that starts your snowball. Timing is important with this card however. You will want to play this when you have the most cards in game. For example if you are on turn two with this card and have no play after besides Hero Powering, just wait. It is better to play Outfitter on turn three in that scenario as you will buff another minion in your hand, and possibly it will be a 1-Cost minion that can be played alongside it.

Grimestreet Enforcer is a remarkably effective and efficient card. If played on Turn 5 and it isn't dealt with, you typically will win the game. That's why I consider keeping it in my mulligan, as it being a 5/5 or a 6/6 on curve is absolutely nightmarish for your opponent. 

Next there is Grimestreet Smuggler. This card is better than you think. Giving a friendly Doppelgangster or maybe even a Grimestreet Enforcer +1/+1 can be the difference between winning or losing. It also has a very reliable statline that is really strong when buffed. Smuggler becoming a 4/6 is no joke, and really hard to deal with in the midgame without losing card advantage.

An honorable mention goes to the Grimestreet Informant which has gotten me out of sticky situations a couple of times. Great when combined with Brann Bronzebeard.

Six Drops:

Fight Promoter is just a strong card in general that keeps you in the game. It is quite easy for it to become a 6/6. It has good synergy with the deck as a whole, and with Don Han'Cho you are guaranteed a draw if the card is low cast enough that is buffed. 

Argent Commander is another strong card that helps shore up the weaknesses the Paladin has. That being burst damage and single target removal. If your opponent is close to death this card can be the final push needed to seal the deal. Also it is a great card to remove Azure Drakes, Enemy Grimestreet Enforcers, or a loose Frothing Berserker. And when it is buffed it just gives you better trade options.

Late Game:

The late game of this deck is quite interesting. You have a couple of great tools at your disposal to help close out games. Obviously Tirion Fordring is amazing, we've known that for ages, so let's not talk about him and move on to the Seven Drops.

Grimestreet Protector is an amazing card for multiple reasons. By the prospect of it existing, it forces your opponent to play differently on turn seven. It will have a huge incentive to clear your board, or else this guy will drop down and shut the opponent out of the game for good.

Don Han'Cho is good in this deck because it creates another threat that your opponent needs removal for. Especially if it lands on Wickerflame Burnbristle or Doppelgangster

Next is our friend Eadric the Pure. Despite being with us for more than a year, he never really found his chance to shine. He saw limited play in control decks, and even then he was cut most of the time. Well now I'm glad to say that he is a key card in this deck. Eadric getting buffs is quite strong as the difference between a 3/7 and a 6/10 is day and night. Also it is a great card to play when you and your opponent are even on board, as you can make some really favorable trades with Eadric's Battlecry.

Possible Other Inclusions:

Ragnaros, Lightlord is just a strong card that helps you stabilize your health total. When you have control of the board your opponent usually resorts to pushing face damage to kill you. This card prevents that win condition, or at least makes it much more difficult for them to complete it. 

I tried out Sergeant Sally, but in my playtesting I didn't find her particularly amazing. Her strong matchups are against Zoolock, Hunter, and Midrange Shaman which aren't on ladder that much at the moment. So if you are having trouble with those decks I would suggest replacing a Grimestreet Smuggler with her.

Good tech choices in the current meta game we are in are Acidic Swamp Ooze and Second-Rate Bruiser. Both are good ways to stop Pirate Warrior dead in its tracks as you stabilize the board. Also Second-Rate Bruiser works really well in conjunction with Fight Promoter, as giving it +1/+1 meets the requirements for drawing cards.