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LEGEND pirate dragon warrior

  • Last updated Dec 22, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 8280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/9/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Hello, im a multiple times legend player and i wanted to post this deck for everyone who wants to climb the ladder quickly if anyone has some questions just write them in the comments i will try to answer all of them.


 deck is still consistent fell to rank 1300 legend trying to make hunter gr8 again got back to 400 in 1 day with this list with this many rogues on ladder i have 50% win rate thinking of putting 1 more execute  since i only loose to all in van cleefs 


after a little bit of testing taking a more SMOrc Approach gives me a better matchup against rogue  and small time bucaneer feels kind of cluncky sometimes also i feel deathwing is not good since i havent seen many druids around


Well like almost all agressive decks we want to curve perfectly especially against agressive decks,the problem is that if in every game we mulligan agressively the chances of having patches the pirate in our starting hand is higher, and depending on the matchup you may want to start with double 1 drop if you have the coin.                                                                      If you have a decent hand especially if you have a pirate 1 drop try to mulligan nothing or 1 card limiting the chance of getting patches, if your hand is garbage tho go all out with the mulligan since the most important thing is to curve out.

VS pirate warrior

the dream hand if we are first should be  alexstrasza champion / N'Zoth first mate / and a dragon  other rly good options  are  Fiery war axe / blood to ichor / ravaging  ghoul / frothing berserker.small time bucaneer is not rly that good because they kill him off easely but if you have the coin and you also have N'Zoth first mate you can keep him also

VS pirate shaman 

its almost the same mulligan as warrior but here blood to ichor and ravaging ghoul is top priority to deal with the totem golem  toghether with fiery war axe and alexstrasza champion to deal with the opponent tunnel trogg.Also if you have a decent hand you can keep execute to deal with the 4 mana 7/7 

VS Renolock 

Small time bucaneer and fairy dragon are good keeps we want to have as much attack power on the board as early as possible dont keep fiery war axe execute can be considered and an early frothing berserker can win you games just keep in mind thar we have so many heavy weapons that even if opponent renos if we have an imposing board we can easily still win 

VS druid 

Same as warlock you want your high attack minions to pressure his life again execute can be a keep, also fairy dragon is amazing in this matchup because druid cant deal with it.

Vs Dragon Priest

again hight attack minions are a keep fairy dragon is pretty bad since both the welp and the 2/4 taunt deal with it easely alexstrasza champion usually trades 2 for 1 in the early turns if you play frothing try to set him to 4 attack so he cant be dealt with fiery was axe is not the dream but still a good keep

VS rogue 

We want to kill him fast before he can do his miracle stuff execute is a must and the only reason i have it in the deck exept for ancient of war an early van cleef can be devastating. N'Zoth first mate is perfect since he deals with the early rogue pirates same as ghoul fairy dragon is also an option if you have first mate in your hand 

Vs Reno priest 

Honestly i havent played against many of them but its usually the same mulligan as with dragon priest since they also play with dragons 

For finley if we play against controll decks 70% of the time warlock hero power is better than hunter hero power followed by mage and then druid.If we are facing an agressive deck some times is better to not even play finley if we draw him later in the game try to avoid warlock hero power if you play him tho since usually the opponent is trying to rush us down  so the priority should be hunter hero power followed by mage and druid.Against rogue warlock hero power is good but hunter is better since the matchup most of the time ends before we run out of cards.

Theese should be all the matchups  if i missed anything or you have any questions ask in the comments i will try to reply to all of them