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[MSG-Top 200] Tera's Assassin Rogue

  • Last updated Dec 23, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Pirate Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 5560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/16/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • Tera
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Howdy, Tera here again! For those that don't know me, I am a multi-legend player. I enjoy creating decks on hearthstone and trying to climb as far up as I can with my own list. I've been playing so much of the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan and the game has been a blast! Today I have a new tempo-pirate rogue decklist for you all which I hit legend with on 12/15/2016. I climbed with this deck from rank 7-Legend making small changes throughout my climb depending on the meta. Most notable in this deck is the inclusion of Lotus Assassin. Most people think the card just isn't good since it is similar to Stranglethorn Tiger. This card has however won multiple games for me and turned unfavorable match-ups into even ones. Lotus Assassin ability to re-stealth allows for a niche way to regain board control and lethal in the following turn. Anyways, hope you all enjoy this deck write-up!

P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment ;) If you have any card suggestions for the deck, I am more than happy to hear them!

www.twitch.tv/gamer_tera (Twitch)

www.youtube.com/TeraRicshon (Personal/LGBTQ/Vlogging Youtube)

http://www.hearthpwn.com/members/Tera/decks (Decks)

~Highest Rank Achieved~


Our story begins in the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. The docks were filled with pirates waiting for the Southsea Captain's Ship to come into sight. The Small-Time Buccaneer shining a lantern to guide the ship into the docks. On the ship Southsea Deckhands were running about, after a year of pillaging they were happy to be home to reap their rewards. Patches the Pirate was the first to see the Lantern shining in the night. Patches the Pirate couldn't contain themselves, they hopped in the nearest cannon an shot themselves toward land. Once on land Patches the Pirate was at home, there was Buccaneers singing on kegs, Swashburglars hollering in the bar and Shady Dealers offering to take their booty for some fine Deadly Poison. Yet, something was amiss in town this night, some new bandits from Stormwind were in town for business. The Defias Ringleader yelled, "This is our town, scrub". The Defias Bandits joined in, "Yeah, beat it". With those words an all-out fight started between the bandits and pirates. Backstab's were attempted, Eviscerates were thrown, there was only Cold Blood between these bandits and pirates. Through all the fighting, they never realized the threat lurking in the night. A Defias Bandit was slipped away in the middle of the brawl. A Lotus Assassin questioned the Defias Bandit on the whereabouts of Edwin VanCleef who was not in Gadgetzan. As the Defias Bandit gave up Edwin VanCleef whereabouts in Stormwind the Lotus Assassin Murmured, "No witnesses". Outside the brawl continued until an SI:7 Agent appeared on top of a roof. The SI:7 Agent yelled, "Hey- Lights out". That was enough to get the Defias Brotherhood scampering back to Stormwind. The night was through and the pirates felt as if they had won their home back, until they heard one silent, "None see the Lotus". 

~The Deck~


This deck is a very aggressive tempo rogue deck. You have 8 1-drop pirates for a very reliable turn-1 Patches the Pirate opener. Defias Ringleader and Shady Dealer are huge tempo-based minions providing stats worth more than their mana cost. This deck is a tempo deck, seeking to squeeze the most amount of tempo that rogue can offer to overwhelm your opponent. 

Notable Card Choice

Deadly Poison x1 - Deadly Poison has recently seen less play. However, with so many shaman dominating the last, Deadly Poison is one of the best cards to help deal with Feral Spirit or other 3 health minions that shaman have. When combo-ed with a Buccaneer, Deadly Poison gives the ability to kill 4 health minions such as Azure Drake. If anything it can just be used for face damage.

Shady Dealer x2 - This was originally 2x Dread Corsair. Dread Corsair was extremely lack-luster though. Dread Corsair fit perfectly in the moment that my board would be clear. It really only worked against pirate warrior, which this deck had no problem beating to begin with. So I switched the Dread Corsair to Shady Dealer. Shady Dealer works out well, because it absolutely destroys reno-locks. The turn it is played is the moment they are going to Hellfire. It also has incredible base-stats, I almost never have a moment where I can't activate his effect with so many pirates in the deck.

Lotus Assassin x1 - Lotus Assassin is perfect and the one card that makes aggro shaman an even match-up. Lotus Assassin fits in a spot where it can not be board cleared. Against aggro shaman it can repeatedly trade until lethal opens up, since they have no form of efficient board clear. Against Reno-decks coining it on turn 4 or playing it turn 5, they will never have an answer to it.  You will get a free 5 face damage or be able to trade into any minions that they have.

~Deck Tips~

- Your Kill turn is between turn 5 - 7.

- While you may feel like it is best to hold off on Defias Ringleader for combo or Shady Dealer for pirate, it is sometimes best to play them without their activator. Unless there is a minion on your opponents board or you have pirate hero power synergies on board, it may be best to drop a naked Defias Ringleader.

- Against control decks, coining Cold Blood on to Patches the Pirate can be a quick way to steal the game if they do not have an answer. 

~Mulligans & Match-ups~

General Mulligans


Aggro Shaman (50/50) - Keep Backstab, Deadly Poison and Acidic Swamp Ooze. With Coin keep Eviscerate and SI:7 Agent. Whoever takes board first will win this match-up. You don't want to just attack face, you want to kill all of there minions. Lotus Assassin is key in this match-up, use Lotus Assassin to trade into as many minions as possible and keep Lotus Assassin above 1-health. 


Renolock (65/35) - With Coin Keep Cold Blood, Shady Dealer and Southsea Captain. You need to be super aggressive in this match-up. If you are going second, coin out Cold Blood onto Patches the Pirate. If they don't have an answer to Patches the Pirate, they will lose fast. Shady Dealer sits right outside of Hellfire range and will provide great damage if used directly on turn 3. Southsea Captain also will buff your Small-Time Buccaneer outside of Demonwrath range.


Pirate Warrior (80/20) - Keep Backstab and Acidic Swamp Ooze. With Coin Keep SI:7 Agent. This match-up is incredibly easy, use your removal options to get rid of their pirates. You do not want any of their pirates alive by turn 3 otherwise they get a free upgrade. Once you win board just push face, you should be healthy enough for them to not be able to get lethal. 


Jade Druid (70/30) - With Coin Keep Southsea Captain. You want to go as aggressive as possible as fast as possible. Southsea Captain is great in this match-up, because it gets your pirates out of swipe range. They only win if they get lucky draws, if not you win.


Dragon Priest (40/60) - Keep Backstab and Deadly Poison. With Coin Keep Cold Blood, Eviscerate and SI:7 Agent. This match-up is difficult cause dragon priest as plenty of early drop. My advice is don't play your pirates into their starting minions. They will just trade and heal their minions up. Often times it is best to try to clear board with weapon and removal and then play your pirates toward turn 3-4 instead of on turn 1. 


Miracle Rogue (40/60) -  Keep Backstab, Deadly Poison and Acidic Swamp Ooze. With Coin Keep Eviscerate and SI:7 Agent. Miracle Rogue is favored since they have the same, if not better removal options than you. While you may be faster they have better long game. This game depends on you being able to fill the board and them not having the clear. Lotus Assassin is great in this game to stick on the board until you have lethal in hand.

~Deck Spotlight~

Tenth Deck of Xmas (Tera's Assassin Rogue) - By Kiwiinbacon

https://www.twitch.tv/gamer_tera/v/107829930 (Tera Playing Assassin Rogue VS Reno-Lock)

*This could be your video! Please Inbox a video of you playing the deck or comment it down below if you want to be given the spotlight!