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Optimotron Pirate Warrior

  • Last updated Dec 21, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
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Starting with Jai/Coexist Pirate Warrior as my template, the core concept of this Optimotron deck is to remove all 2-mana cards except a single Fiery War Axe, guaranteeing all the synergies it brings on turn 2.

This means no Heroic Strike or Bloodsail Raider, which are underperformers anyway.  There's no N'Zoth's First Mate since we'll be swinging a 3-attack weapon on turn 2.  I've also taken out Sir Finley and Frothing Berserker since they're my least-favorite 1- and 3-drops in a perfectly-curving Pirate deck.

That's 10 slots to fill.

I've added 6 useful 1-cost cards to help avoid drawing Patches on turn 1.  They also fit in nicely around the reliably-discounted Dread Corsair.  There's Warsong Commanders to buff my more-reliable charge minions, and a guaranteed Argent Commander + Gorehowl for turns 6 and 7.

Don't mulligan the Axe!  Yes it means you'll get a random card on turn 2, but better on turn 2 than before the game starts (which could be Patches).  Since curve is guaranteed, I'm mulliganing sparingly: if I have any 1-3 cost cards, I just throw away Argent Commander + Gorehowl (and of course Patches).

I had the "Win 5 Brawls" quest and went 5/0.