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[Legend] Toadayoda's Krullock - Now with Guide

  • Last updated Jan 3, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 13260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/27/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Proof of legend: http://imgur.com/a/6HUsI

Here is my Renolock that uses Krul the Unshackled instead of the Leeroy Jenkins combo. 

This deck is incredibly strong vs the control decks all over the meta. Won over 80% of games vs other renolocks, and losses were due to my own misplays. Also has very strong matchups against priest, mage, and Druid. Roughly even matchups vs rogue and warrior. Shaman matchup not quite as good as traditional renolock.



-Mortal Coil: Although useful, had a relatively low power level. Better to replace with a more powerful card. 

-Dark Peddler: Too often gave me a garbage minion rather than a good spell. Better to replace with a more reliable 1 drop. 

+Soulfire: Amazing in the shaman and rogue matchups and provides a strong tempo boost in other matchups. The discard is rarely relevant because we have so much value in the deck. 

+Mistress of Mixtures: The only stat efficient healing minion in the game, she helps a lot in getting to turn 6 in the aggro matchups. 

Card Choices

Mortal Coil: Strong utility card for cleaning up after removal or getting rid of small minions. Not a strong card on its own but you often find yourself wanting it in hand.

Power Overwhelming: Very strong to help trade and obtain board control, and has strong synergy with Shadowflame, Sylvanas, and Faceless Shambler. 

Dark Peddler: On the fringe. Gives you something to play early and has potential to give you a second Power Overwhelming or Mortal Coil. I find that I end up getting a small minion from this too often, and so I am considering cutting this for Soulfire.

Demonwrath: Incredibly important early clear for aggro. Not a particularly strong clear but one of our few tools to get board early. 

Shadow Bolt: Right now 4 damage removal is at a premium with all the drakes, auctioneers, and totem golems running around. 

Unlicensed Apothecary: Probably the most controversial card in the deck. He has a lot of anti-synergy with Krul the Unshackled and Kazakus revival potions, but the tempo he provides is more than worth it. Always keep him in your opening hand, and play him on turn 3 or 2 with coin. The idea is you put him out there ASAP so that you have a strong board presence that can trade favorably with anything your opponent will play, and in subsequent turns you can tap or play removal spells. A 5/5 is also a relatively big threat in the early game, so most people will spend resources removing it that they won't have for your giants and drakes later on. However, if you draw him later, you have to be careful with when you play him. Late game, it is best to wait to play him for a shadowflame or after you feel like you have enough pressure on the board and do not have any other minions that you urgently want to play. The goal with this guy is just to trade him into things as fast as possible, as he will give you great value for the mana. He is also really good for overextending your position on the board to bait out a clear, paving the way for your Krul. Remember that having him on the field gives your opponent's Leeroy Jenkins combo an additional 10 points of burst. Also, he damages you for every other minion summoned with Krul except Krul himself. Last, if you want to play a heal like Reno or Jaraxxus, the damage is done before the heal, so make sure you have more than 5 hp. 

Blastcrystal Potion: A strong removal card that generates a lot of tempo when played. Try to wait till turn 8 or so to use it if you can. If you need to play it earlier, the lost mana crystal is not as bad as it seems because the tempo swing you get when you play it is already huge. This is also the deck's only counter to a turn 4 Flamewreathed Faceless.

Hellfire: Staple AoE that can double as burst at the end of the game. 

Shadowflame: Another staple AoE that synergizes well with Sylvanas Windrunner and all your big, undercosted minions. 

Doomguard: Provides burst and a big body, especially when paired with Krul. Since this deck does not run a gamewinning combo, and instead relies on maintaining initiative and playing stronger cards than the opponent, the discard 2 drawback is not backbreaking either if you want to play him to remove a high value minion and develop your board. The only essential card you don't want to lose is Reno Jackson- just try to avoid playing this guy when Reno is in your hand. 

Kabal Trafficker: Not only is this guy a strong value engine, but as a 6/6 for 6 he is also a fairly large threat. Often eats removal that your opponent would rather save for guys like your Mountain Giant or Emperor Thaurissan.

Siphon Soul: Another great removal spell that is also one of the few ways this deck can regain health. 

Abyssal Enforcer: Ridiculously strong AoE that also gives you a huge body to swing back initiative in your favor. Can pair with Brann for some nice burst, and puts another large body on the board with Krul. 

Twisting Nether: Incredibly powerful AoE, especially when paired with Dirty Rat to get rid of an important minion from your opponent's hand, Doomsayer to retain initiative, or Jaraxxus infernals to build a strong advantage on board. 

Krul the Unshackled: Signature card of the deck. His main use is to provide a huge board on a small amount of mana. Since he gives you such big guys, the only board clear you need to play around is Twisting Nether. Although Krul is often a gamewinning play, you don't need to save him for a finisher, since this deck has so many powerful high value cards it can use to win. As long as you are ahead on board or your opponent can't kill you, he is almost always a good play. Exceptions are when you hold Lord Jaraxxus or Unlicensed Apothecary. I usually try to get rid of the Apothecary before dropping Krul unless I feel like I can afford the life loss. With regard to Jaraxxus, I will try to play Jaraxxus first in matchups where I feel like I will need his hero power, like Priest. However, if I have Faceless Shambler or one of my taunt-givers in hand, it is often correct to get Jaraxxus out on the field. Most decks cannot deal with such a big taunt minion, and that allows the other big guys that come out to finish the job. 

Lord Jaraxxus: Provides an inevitability engine vs control, a substantial secondary heal and a strong weapon vs aggro, or a big minion with Krul. Very versatile card that gives the deck the reach it needs. Just don't play it from hand vs burst-heavy decks like Mages and Warlocks. 

Acidic Swamp Ooze: Another fringe card. The deck's only way of dealing with weapons, though I am not sure weapon hate is 100% necessary given that it is only really effective vs. Shaman and Warrior (noone plays Paladin right now). Considering replacing this with Mind Control Tech or Soulfire, if I keep Dark Peddler

Dirty Rat: Provides a good early taunt vs aggro and a way to disrupt combos or eliminate high priority threats vs control. Make sure that you can deal with whatever comes out when you play him. 

Doomsayer: One of the best cards in the deck. Huge for giving you early initiative, and at the very least heals you for 7. This is another card that I almost always keep, as it clears the way for your midgame threats vs control and it slows down aggro enough for you to survive to the midgame. 

Sunfury Protector: Taunt-giver that has a lot of synergy with your many huge minions. 

Brann Bronzebeard: Value engine when combined with Kazakus or tempo engine with Defender of Argus. Added bonus of being a must-answer threat for your opponent makes it a good play on turn 3 when you are under a lot of pressure or when you don't think the enemy Warlock has Shadow Bolt

Defender of Argus: Another taunt-giver that also helps your trades. 

Faceless Shambler: Potential to be a large taunt minion. Absolutely disgusting when combined with Power OverwhelmingTwilight Drake, or Mountain Giant

Kazakus: Highly versatile card. Provides tempo vs aggro and value vs control. Usually want to keep him and drop him ASAP vs aggro, and toss him to wait for Brann combo vs control. 

Twilight Drake: One of your main midgame threats. Keep vs control, toss vs aggro. 

Second-Rate Bruiser: Great value when you can play him for 3, and a decent threat even when you have to play him for 5. I always keep him vs aggro- especially disgusting when you can revive him with a Kazakus 1 mana potion. 

Emperor Thaurissan: Provides a lot of value by discounting our whole hand. Unlike combo lists, no need to wait for specific cards to get discounted- you can play him whenever the board state allows for it! I usually like to keep him against Warlocks, as he gives you a pretty strong turn 6 play that keeps you ahead on tempo the rest of the game as your opponent struggles to remove it immediately. Also provides the added bonus of making your opponent play around your nonexistent Leeroy combo. 

Reno Jackson: Your only source of stabilization. Always keep vs aggro but try to get early initiative so you don't need to rely on him. 

Sylvanas Windrunner: Try to avoid playing this on an empty board. I mainly use her as an extra removal spell, especially combined with PO, Blastcrystal, or Shadowflame. 

Mountain Giant: Your best midgame threat. Keep vs control, toss vs aggro. 

Potential Additions

Soulfire: As mentioned above, we don't really care about discarding that much outside of Reno. Plus, this provides another great source of burst and another tempo efficient way to deal with all those early 4 health threats everyone is playing. So far has given good results in testing. 

Mind Control Tech: This deck has some problems vs shamans who flood the board early, and this may help with that. Also combos well with Dirty Rat. Have not tested this card yet. 

 Notable Omissions

Healing cards: These cards are all relatively weak and inefficient. The amount of healing they provide is also not all that much. I find it is much better to avoid the need to heal by taking board early with stronger minions. 

Imp Gang Boss: This card just doesn't do enough. 2 attack does not trade favorably with very much, and lategame it remains an underwhelming draw. 

Leeroy combo: This is a strong gameplan that everyone already plays around. Better to remove these cards for cards that are individually stronger while retaining the benefit of your opponent playing suboptimally. Not holding on to these dead cards also makes it easier to maintain board initiative. 

Game Plan

Ideally you want to obtain board initiative as soon as possible. Board initiative allows you to make favorable trades, increasing the value of your cards, and prevents opponents' creatures from hitting your face, effectively healing you. Thus, you typically want to make the play that gets you initiative by putting things on the board, even if it may cause you to lose some life to face damage in the short term.  Versus aggro, this means playing cards like doomsayer and Apothecary early so that you can limit their face damage and stick a big minion to prevent whatever they play from hitting you. Versus control, you usually want to tap early so that you can get a big drake or giant out, allowing you to ride the advantage from there. Apothecary is also a strong threat in the early game here, as you can then safely tap while your opponent struggles to deal with it. 


Shaman: Acidic Swamp OozeHellfireReno JacksonDoomsayerDemonwrathShadow BoltSoulfireBlastcrystal PotionUnlicensed ApothecarySecond-Rate Bruiser

Rogue: DemonwrathShadow BoltUnlicensed ApothecaryReno JacksonSoulfireDoomsayerMountain GiantTwilight DrakeSecond-Rate Bruiser

Warlock: Doomsayer, Unlicensed ApothecaryMountain GiantTwilight DrakeEmperor Thaurissan

Priest: Doomsayer, Unlicensed ApothecaryMountain GiantTwilight Drake

Warrior: DemonwrathShadow BoltUnlicensed ApothecaryReno JacksonSoulfireDoomsayer, Second-Rate Bruiser

Mage: Doomsayer, Unlicensed ApothecaryMountain GiantTwilight Drake

Druid: Doomsayer, Unlicensed ApothecaryMountain GiantTwilight Drake

Paladin and Hunter are relatively rare, so we can mull for them as we would for any other aggro deck.