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[SUPRISE] Jade'Zoth feat. Reno

  • Last updated Dec 31, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 16020
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/29/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • RRRoX
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Hello, let me introduce deck, which works pretty well againts all archetypes of other decks.

Actually works from rank 13-5, average game time is 8,5 minutes, so its not as fast, as aggro decks  (around 6 mins), but not as long as control/reno decks, where is usually gametime over 10 minutes. I'm not sure, if I will have enough time to beat legend in this season, but from start of new season I'm sure, this deck has potential to reach legend.

Win/loss is awesome, over 70%, but I met here many decks, which have high win/loss, but doesnt works well, because each rank has specific meta archetypes.

In deck is Reno Jackson as insurance of win againts control decks, because deck has full potential of jade spawm - 3 jade cards are in deck doubled.

I tried NZoth shamans, Jade shamans, Jade pirate, but still I had problem with some archetypes from this meta.

Finally after some tweaks and combination I find solution...

Mulligan guide(tnx for 5+ votes)

Mulligan is one of key of every game. In every game you must make decision about enemy deck orientation. You need at least 10 turns for win. So of course,  1st rank of dangerous are face/aggro/tempo. 2nd rank of enemies are control/dragon/jade/reno type - this decision about suspected type is depend on your rank and expiriences about last games.


1st rank mulligan:


Earth Shock, Lightning Bolt, Devolve, Jade Claws, Maelstrom Portal, Elemental Destruction, Healing Wave, Lightning Storm, Mistress of Mixtures, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Bloodmage Thalnos, Hex, Second-Rate Bruiser, Brann Bronzebeard (Brann is tricky - "invisible taunt" with 4 lives, many times save my ass againts face decks - 80% games they will kill him, so use him in all cases if You are not sure, if You survive after turn 6 without any next battlecry card in hand - just make him as bait), with coin also White Eyes


So its 15/16 cards from 30 which each can safe your life after turn 6 - here are next many cards which can easy control game. Just note - never mulligan for Reno Jackson, 3 cards are doubled, usually You are ready for use him after turn 10-14, depend on luck, and he is not in deck for aggro opponents from 1st rank, but for other control/reno decks from 2nd rank.


2nd rank mulligan:


Almost all cards are good, so always try get only one of these doubled jade cards, for faster access to Reno activation (and also tempo jade spawn):


Jade Claws, Jade Lightning, Jade Spirit


For help to Your important decision, I put here my expirience from these last 10 days, when I tried play this deck.


Above ranked 10 is 80% warriors agrro/tempo, also hunters. These two class I always expect as 1st rank. Under rank 10 is 50% control/taunt based.


Shamans are 45% jade/pirate or 45% classical midrage/tempo orientated, rest 10% are nzoth based (similar this deck) - so its for me also 1st rank. Higher rank number, more midrage/tempo.


Priests are 80% dragons, rest are reno-type - so 2nd rank in all cases. Some OTK should be also as 2nd rank.


Druids are 90% jade, rest beasts-type - so 2nd rank (if its beast, still you will have at least 6 turns)


Warlocks are 90% reno/handlock, rest with some demon/discard agrro - so also 2nd rank


Rogues are usually miracle, or jade or mixed with pirates. Here I expect 1st rank because burst is expected.


Mages usually play with some reno style, or freeze variation - tempo mage I met only in few cases, so usually I think about mage as 2nd rank.


Paladins plays with some buffy agro/tempo deck, so 1st rank - but I must say, only few paladins I met.

 In deep card explanation

Earth Shock
Spell for 1 mana with 1 damage, but Silence effect before apply damage.
Good to neutralise Frothing Berserker or Bloodsail Raider from warrior pirate decks, also good againts Twillight Drake or Faceless Shambler which are inside reno/hand lock decks. Don't works againts Jade Golems, because they are summoned with high values.

Lightning Bolt
Basic removal 1 mana spell with 1 overload for 3 damage - always good, combo with Hallazeal the Ascended can heal some life, or with Spell Damage cards to make more damage (for 3 mana combo with Bloodmage Thalnos - or with Wrath of Air Totem spell power totem - for 4 damage). Can be replaced with Stormcrack or Lava Shock, but for me works just Lighning Bolt well.

Ancestral Knowledge
This deck has one weakness - low card draw. Only +4 cards, so its really important spell. Can be replaced (or add) with one Codlight Oracle but still againts agrro decks they need cards more than You and still agrro decks are not so easy to win, as other decks. -

Swapped for Mana Tide Totem

Well, usually it get only 1 card, but it helps more against 1st rank decks, and get it 3 invisible taunt, or another card. So it fit better.

One more "aoe" or threat removal. Works againts buffed minions, Deathrattle minions also to C'Thun[card], prevent from rebirth which can make [card]Doomcaller[card]. Remember, that 1 mana minion will be transformer into 1/1 (2 minions) or 0/2 so it doesn't safe from all damage. Also good againts [card]Sylvanas Windrunner. Also remember, every deathrattle minions which is affected by Devolve, can't be ressurected from [card]N'Zoth[card]

Jade Claws × 2
Key card, mandatory for control board and start/continue making of jade golems army. Works also with Brann Bronzebeard, so for 9 mana you can combo Brann twice, or for 5 mana for once. You want it from game start, one of 3 doubled cards in deck.

Maelstrom Portal
Soft aoe removal with 1 mana minion spawn. Usually need more damage, so I suggest wait for any spell power buff. But for 2 mana You can clear pirate attacks and many 1 mana minions can help to control board (2 charge - with Jade Claws one more, 1 divine shield, 1 additional deathrattle 1 all minions damage, 1 +4 hp deathrattle or also some taunts). With Hallazeal the Ascended heal for some life, but its only from enemies minions, so don't use is as combo if its not only one way to prevent lose game.

Elemental Destruction
Very strong card, but next turn You will be paralysed, because 5 overload and it affect also Yours minions. But usage with Hallazeal the Ascended works as other Reno (and usually opponent much more won't expect Reno). Againts agrro decks, feel free to use againts big threats minions (dont waste for 1-2 hp), because next turn You will be out.

Healing Wave
In deck we have high cost minions, usually +14hp helps well againts face snowball.

In previous version I had also this card doubled. Is really good, sometimes I let it on mulligan, because it should help well. Advantage is also same as I already described in [card]Devolve[card], but 0/1 Toad is always damage protection. Just don't forget for taunt - if You want before hexing enemy attack, do it before Hex.

Lightning Storm
Decent aoe removal, with good synergies with Hallazeal the Ascended heal effect, or spell power minions. 2 overload is good prize for this 3 mana spell.


Jade Lightning × 2
Spell for 4 mana 4 damage and Jade Golem spawn. Use is as removal enemy threat and againts control decks, let it on hand, because its one of 3 cards which is doubled here.

Hallazeal the Ascended
Described in damage spells - this guy can be used also as bait for agrro opponents. So if You dont have spell for heal (in deck You have 3 aoe spells, which can heal good and 4 single target spell - so always count with % chance to get damage card or risk) just let enemy to kill him, instead at least 5 another Your life. If You feel, that don't need more sustain, You can replace him for any 4-5 minion with taunt/deathrattle.

White Eyes
Very strong OP shaman card with awesome deathrattle. With N'Zoth produce 2 10/10 5 mana taunt minion. Just remember, if You use it before at least one The Storm Guardian on hand, its one more doubled card on your deck.

Fire Elemental
Strong minion with 3 damage incomming hail. Always good use him as removal.

Jade Chieftain 
Interested card, I really like use him with Brann Bronzebeard, because it produce Jade Golem with Taunt - so 2 taunts harder to beat. Second one changed for Ragnaros the Firelord from my previous version.

Mistress of Mixtures
Deathratte with 4 hp - everytime good.

Acidic Swamp Ooze
Warrior/Hunter/Rogue/Shaman/Paladin - mulligan must to have, Warlock/Mage - should be good safe it for late game (Lord Jaraxxus or Medivh, the Guardian), Druid/Priest just play it as solid 2 mana minion.

Bloodmage Thalnos
Cheap spell damage for your spells (it affect also more HP from Hallazeal the Ascended), important deathrattle effect. Can be used as bait againts 1st rank decks.

Brann Bronzebeard
Many synergies in this deck. But most important is make combo after play him with some of Your jade card. Works also with Jade Claws. Againts 1st rank of decks, use him as bait - at least 4 hp to destroy him, prevent damage from You, if opponent ignore him, with Jade Spirit make you control board more easy.
If he survive spawn turn, You can use him also with N'Zoth. As I mentioned before, really good with Jade Chieftain for double strong taunt minions.

Jade Spirit × 2
Good drop for maintain early game board control.

Azure Drake
Spell power with card draw - both we need.

Big Game Hunter
Card to discussion if really need it. Its here for 7/7+ minions like jade golems, or 4 mana Flamewreathed Faceless, but still 7 attack is too big for use before late game. But many times he help me, and he is really need on lategame againts opponent high minions. Maybe Mind Control Tech, could be good and cheaper, but still his effect is random...

Swapped for Second-Rate Bruiser

Helps more againts 1st rank of decks, for 3 mana 5hp taunt. BGH was many times so situational, also Mind Control Tech. So this card fit well.

Aya Blackpaw
Well, we have all possible synergies to have more jade golems - Brann and NZoth. Anyway its strong 6 mana control drop, so use it.

Reno Jackson
Most surprise card here. As I mentioned before, I tried many decks and tweaks, and this is biggest change from others NZoth shaman decks. With luck on draw, it can also safe game againts 1st rank decks, but usually it safe lategame againts 2nd rank. You have 4 doubled cards, which you need have at least on hand before apply his fullheal battlecry effect.

Sylvanas Windrunner
Well, she was allways good (curse of C'Thun), after so many jade decks, its mandatory. With respawn from NZoth many times win condition.

N'Zoth, the Corruptor
Well - 3 very strong deathrattle card, with 2 good low cost cards. You don't wait for all of them, usually Aya Blackpaw with one more is enough for almost instawin late game, but also White Eye helps a lot in late game. So play him when you need back your board control. Don't play it before opponent play his aoe strong removals, so just use NZoth smart.

 31.12.2016: little tweak, for better win chance againts 1st rank of decks (agrro/tempo)


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