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Barnes Miracle [LEGEND]

  • Last updated Feb 22, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/19/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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Front page for my first deck! You guys are amazing :D






I'm a multi-time Legend player and a 2800+ Gladiator Holy Paladin in WoW. Recently returned to Hearthstone after a giant break (about 2 years I think, stopped a bit after BrM was released and patron warrior was destroying everybody) and hit Legend once again running this list after a week of learning all the new cards and the meta. I'll be streaming a lot of Hearthstone and WoW so if you're interested in that, check my stream out at http://twitch.tv/synpoo


January 21, 2017

Finally crafted Shaku and he's performing insanely well. Removing Swashburglar/Thalnos gives Barnes are better chance of high rolling, and the extra conceal felt necessary for a lot of matchups.




Sorry for the lack of commentary, I was really focusing on my plays :D



  • This deck really tests your patience and knowledge of certain matchups, knowing what removals to play around, and when you're able to "go off"
  • Again, the deck takes patience and by this I mean knowing when to play your Questing AdventurerEdwin VanCleef, and Conceal combos is crucial. Knowing when you can play it the current turn or you should wait one takes a lot of experience.
  • Play VERY aggressively with your cold bloods, and play aggressively in general. For example, don't make trades unless they're very favorable for you or there's a removal you should play around, I mostly send minion damage to face.
  • SI:7 Agent, in my opinion, is a pretty bad card right now. The tempo and removal from it is too little, even against aggro warrior/shaman. Questing performs much better in both aggro and control matchups from my experience.



Some matchups are incomplete and I'll add more detail to them when I have the time.


BackstabSmall-Time BuccaneerSwashburglar are always instant keeps. Questing Adventurer and Edwin VanCleef are good on the coin, and if you have either of these already then I also like to keep a Preparation. If you somehow have a god draw and have these already then keep whatever spell is good in the matchup, like an Eviscerate


Small-Time BuccaneerSwashburglar, and Tomb Pillager. Again, Questing Adventurer and Edwin VanCleef on the coin, and I actually like keeping the Conceal if I have either of those, just not against Renolock usually because of PO+Shadowflame and Twisting.


This was my worst matchup until I won 3 in a row against them to hit legend. They'll usually have a hard time dealing with two big threats on the board, so try to put out two Questing Adventurer or one + Edwin VanCleef. Most of the time they're slow enough that you can gather lots of pieces and make a huge Edwin. Backstab is a card I've been debating not keeping in the opening hand since it really doesn't do anything early game, which is the only mulligan change I'd make against this. Sap is insane against Ancient of War here, but don't keep it in mulligan.


Should be a fairly even matchup, slightly favorable for the Rogue (?). Their board clears are useless against us if we play correctly, and Conceal lets us guarantee huge face damage with our dudes. I like keeping Conceal in this matchup since it's just so good against them to protect us from Polymorph or Fireball


Only went 2-1 against this so not much insight. Don't over-extend into his board wipes, but if it's obvious that he doesn't have it then go all in. Conceal isn't that good here :(


Kind of a hard matchup for me. Definitely Rogue favored, but yeah. Priest has many ways to secure early/midgame board pressure with beefy minions and you won't have enough answers for all of it, or if you do, then you waste too much burn in the process. Play around Shadow Word: Death as best as you can, it's better to let Edwin die rather than your questings here. Also, I like keeping Azure Drake when on the coin + I have good cards already in hand.


The rogue that gets the better Conceal off first will usually win. Don't be afraid to Cold Blood a 1 health minion after he's used some removals like Fan and SI:7. Special keep in this matchup is definitely the Conceal since we only run single, and we need to get it off to protect our questing/edwin from Sap.


Went 19-8 against them (somehow). Fan of Knives is usually a keep here if you have cards to compliment it. Don't keep Sap unless your hand is great. Don't be afraid to Sap the Totem Golem if it puts shaman in an awkward position, and he's not able to slam 7/7 following turn.


Good matchup since you will usually be able to burst them before they can setup Reno Jackson, or force them into a position where they need to Reno + Board wipe simultaneously. Sap is very effective against their 4 drops. Watch out for Shadowflame/Twisting if you're planning on concealing a big board.


Sometimes you can't do anything if they curve out perfectly and kill you on turn 5. A lot easier if you're on the coin + Questing Adventurer or Edwin VanCleef. Remove all pirates as best you can to prevent buffs, and hopefully start racing by then. Cold Blood should be used ASAP here.

 ENJOY! <3

 I'll be constantly updating this as I make any changes, as well as providing more insight on harder matchups. Feel free to leave comments below! :)