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[R12-Legend] Couriering Renolock

  • Last updated Jan 23, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 10940
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/20/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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First decided to pilot this deck from R12 to R4, and now I've completed the whole tour of Legend, with a 68% W/R.

In my experience as you see here ladder is pretty much half and half, mixed with aggro and mixed with control, with a few druids and rogues in between.

I feel like Renolock is undoubtedly the strongest Reno variant in the game, as it just has so many different win conditions and flexibility against every matchup.

Tech Choices:

The only difference you see in this deck is Kabal Courier which is typically only seen in Renomage and Renopriest. However Renolock benefits the most from this card because we're much more likely to draw Brann + Courier early on to use it. I've gotten a lot of highlighted games from this card, as the value you get from it is absolutely insane in a warlock. More chances to give me kazakus? More couriers? Board clears? hard removal? more battlecry synergy with Brann? Sign me up!

This card makes the deck incredibly more versatile, perhaps the most versatile. It has very little low quality cards such as Soulfire, Sunfury Protector, Dark Peddler, and is as greedy as it comes. As you can see I still managed a positive win-rate against aggro, and this is mostly from experience and a healthy mental attitude.

Spellbreaker. This card is good in almost every matchup except Pirate Warriors. It shines best in control mirrors. You slam this down on Twilight Drake, Sylvanas, Brann, Doomsayer, Shambler, and you're good to go. You can also silence your own rag if need be. Against Aggro Shaman it isn't the worst card either, it comes out sooner than Sylvanas (which was what it replaced), and it can do work on Flametongue, Thalnos, Aya. etc.

Against aggro:

Look at it this way, does Renolock really need to tech against Aggro? It shouldn't, it should be a class that has a reasonable chance against every deck and simply need to have an even matchup against aggro to climb. I tried experimenting with Sunfury Protector and Dark Peddler, and these cards are just pretty low value and impact cards, like maybe it will increase your matchup against aggro by a few %, but the outcome usually comes down to whether or not you have Doomsayer, Kazakus, Reno, and/or early board clears.

Aggro matchups end in like 3-5 minutes, either you outheal them, or you die in 5 turns. Psychologically, this shouldn't affect you, since it's basically 100% based on card draw order. Has nothing to do with you, your opponent, and even your deck. You could tech in more anti-aggro cards, but increasing your % against aggro will decrease your % against control a lot more, and you really want to win against control since those are the matchups that can get you down since it takes like 10+ minutes to finish.

Now, I happen to squeeze out positive win rates against every class, and this is most likely due to the lower ladder experience. It's not that I saw misplays, but a lot of people probably doesn't understand their win condition clearly with the deck they're using, so they might mulligan incorrectly.



1. Warrior/Shaman: mulligan hard for Reno, Doomsayer, Mixtures, Kazakus, Ooze, Farseer. Hellfire and demonwrath isn't bad, but isn't game changing like Reno and Kazakus. Hellfire is really good against shaman if they didn't play Totem Golem, and Demonwrath is good against Pirate Warriors if they only played 1 drop pirates. You almost want to throw your minions out there even if it's not their optimal turn to come out. Soaking damage is very important early for you to last long enough to draw Kazakus/Reno/Board clears.


2. Druid: You're facing either ramp or jade druid, jade druid will be the most common. Renolock is apparently unfavoured, but you simply need to change your gameplan. You're the aggressor in this matchup. I once played an Ooze on turn 2 and chucked in 9 damage from it to eventually pressure him to death. Keeping Drake, Mountain Giant, Farseer, Imp Gang, for early game pressure. Mixtures and heals in general are pretty irrelevant here. Kazakus into giving health to all your minions will win you games. Shambler will win games. All your heavy minions are win conditions. Basically you care most about heavy board pressure. Brann is used best with Courier or Dirty Rat, since Druid has many cards that sucks ass if pulled out from their hand. Only use them if you have answers though (obviously).


3. Reno matchups: All you care about is value and getting Mountain Giant/Twilight Drake out on turn 4. Save Brann for dirty rat, kazakus, courier, hell even argus isn't bad. I find many reno opponents don't even carry enough large removal, so tons of times they don't have an answer for turn 4 drake/giant, and you simply win the game from that point since it will trade for at least 2 of their cards. Only cards you want in mulligan is Mountain Giant, Drake, Emperor, and maybe Kazakus. I'd keep kazakus if you have the other 3 cards, if not it's not even that important this early. Basically never extend above 4 minions UNLESS you have answers in your hand to control a MCT swing. The +health on minions in this matchup is really good, as well as reviving minions. Doomsayer, Mixture, and most heals are irrelevant in this matchup. Armor is super good for Kazakus if you're playing Jaraxxus soon.


4. Rogues: Miracle rogue is kind of like facing aggro matchups but close to facing Druids as well. You actually want to be the aggressor here as well, but you also want to clear up their early game pirates. Demonwrath is pretty good, Twilight Drake/Mountain Giant are still pretty good. MCT/ooze/farseer/heals should just come out for tempo and pressuring the rogue. Make them waste their saps early and then slam down taunts to win the game. Also if they don't have Auctioneer by turn 6-7 or a lucky Edwin they pretty much lost anyway unless you also drew horribly. Dirty Rat on turn 5 is pretty disgusting if you have an answer for their 4/4s.


5. Dragon Priests: Their only win condition is early pressure + lucky Draknoid Operatives. Doomsayer is relevant here, as well as Imp Gang, Farseer, Shadow Bolt. However you're generally just going to outvalue them at some point. Twilight drake on 4 is insanely hard for them to deal with, and even Mountain Giant since they usually don't keep death. No need to save Kazakus for Brann, as you usually want a 5 mana spell to deny Draknoid Operatives from pressuring you. If you get to late game you should just outvalue them. Some disgusting plays involve Brann + Dirty Rat + MCT, or Brann + Courier, or Brann with Argus even (argus on Brann + 2 atk minion is nasty for them to deal with). A lot of flexibility with Kazakus, I generally find +health, reviving dead minions, damage, board clears to be the best here. 

Long story short, this deck is extremely versatile, but it isn't a simple deck to play (as I'm sure most people have heard this). I love the flexibility of the deck, and I generally don't feel too bad about losing to aggro since the game finishes in 3-5 minutes. The most satisfying wins comes from reno mirrors, and this deck has all the tools to outvalue mirror matchups.