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N'zoth Jade Rogue for Dummies

  • Last updated Feb 1, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 7700
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/26/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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Hello there fellow hearthstone players, My name is Mordeppwns (aggro hater) I've been playing hearthstone for over One Year and developed interest in the rogue class no matter what is its position and state in the meta. This is my own version of N'zoth jade rogue that includes few cards to counter weapon-based aggro decks, aside from the deck itself being a destructive counter for control/slow decks. 


 This is a high value Jade rogue deck that has stalling, effecient tempo tools, and strong early game cycle minions, packed with a hefty amount of lategame cards like Aya BlackpawSylvanas Windrunnerand N'Zoth, the Corruptor. The goal is to pass the early game after cycling some cards and reaching lategame with your premium removal and board control. If drawn right, this deck outclasses most decks in the meta. Vulnerable Vs. strong aggro openers, but it isn't a hopeless game.

-The inclusion of Acidic Swamp Ooze Does a great job at reducing the potential damage received from aggro decks due to the lack built-in healing or taunts in the deck. This deck's main weakpoint (possibly the only one) is strong openers from aggro decks like Tunnel Trogg Spirit Claws Jade Claws and the Pirate package: Patches the Pirate Small-Time Buccaneer . But it isn't a hopeless matchup if you draw right and take risks.

Mulligan-Opening hand;

-Your goal vs Aggro decks is to mulligan for cards like Backstab Eviscerate SI:7 Agent to gain tempo until you start drawing your cycle cards and reach lategame and start putting pressure with jade golems and sticky deathrattle minions.

-Your goal vs Control decks is to mulligan for Jade building cards and small card draw/advantage minions like Loot Hoarder , Jade Swarmer and Undercity Huckster along with an Unearthed Raptor (if possible) to stretch out their value. remember that many of the control matchups you will win by just building Jade Golems and having board control.

----------------------------------------------------- Deck information------------------------------------------------------

Possible synergies:[1]- Jade Swarmer Or Undercity Huckster on turn 2 followed by an Unearthed Raptor on turn 3 will ramp up jade golems quickly OR increase card advantage according to your choice.

[2]- Spell damage minions Azure Drake and Bloodmage Thalnos are cycle cards and are preferably saved to be used with cards like

1- Fan of Knives for a very effecient board clear+ an extra card.

2- Backstab for an extremely effecient single-target removal.

3-Jade Shuriken for a powerful tempo play.

4-Eviscerate for a huge source of burst/removal.

[3]- Unearthed Raptor On cards likeSylvanas Windrunner and Aya Blackpaw are also possible. but preferably used on turn 3 on the mentioned minions for its premium stats and potential pressure/early game building.

[4]- If you have the coin and/or 2 mana cards Like Undercity Huckster and Jade Swarmer in your hand with combo cards like Jade Shuriken and SI:7 Agent it is preferred to save these cards to trigger the combos.

[5]- N'Zoth, the Corruptor is the ultimate late-game card for your deck, and it obviously packs Incredibly high value and synergy if it re-summons deathrattle jade cards like Jade Swarmer and Aya Blackpaw  . Sometimes it can be possibly used to re-summon card advantage/cycle cards like Loot Hoarder . Undercity Huckster and Bloodmage Thalnos . Can also be used to re-summon Sylvanas Windrunner to gain further board grip.

-----------------------------------------------------General Information------------------------------------------------

-Shadow Strike Included one copy of it due its rare usages, can be swaped with Brann Bronzebeard . I still don't suggest this since the latter is pretty situational and his little/moderate value and requires other cards with it. UPDATED 

-Strong standalone cards: Jade Spirit , Aya Blackpaw andSylvanas Windrunner Are cards that have solo power to help put pressure on your opponent, build jade golems, and grind your opponent out of any damage/removal in their hand. Very strong vs slow control decks and mirror jade match-ups.

Thank you for checking my deck, I'd gladly read and reply to any comments and questions. :)

1/27/2017 update: -1 Backstab, -1 Burgle , +1 Shiv +1 Journey Below. why? Further improves lategame draw consistencies and the possiblity of creating more deathrattle Jade Golem minions.

2/1/2017 Update: I know that who tried this deck seriously struggled vs aggro decks like how I did (pirate warrior, shamans) most of the time. I've tested these card swaps and they worked out pretty well vs aggro while maintaining the strength vs control/reno decks.

Possible card swaps (tested):

-1 Sylvanas Windrunner This card has proved to be slow enough in the current meta. vs aggro it would be rendered useless due to the extreme aggression, vs control it usually trades 1 for 1 which isn't worth the 6 mana. I swapped it for a Defender of Argus and for me it worked out pretty well. 

-2 Acidic Swamp Ooze reason: Most aggro decks do not fully rely on weapons, this card doesn't have any serious impact on crippling them. having bulky taunts is what this deck needs if there are no heals present. I personally added 

+1Shiv +1Brann Bronzebeard to bulk up your taunts further and increase the impact of your battlecry cards like Jade Spirit and Aya Blackpaw.

- I also tried swapping an SI:7 Agent for a Loot Hoarder to increase the card draw of the deck, you wouldn't want to topdeck an SI:7 Agent vs a control deck with an exhausted hand. worked out well for me.

-This is the version that I'm currently using after it worked out for me, I won't update the deck-list until I make sure that these swaps worked out for everyone. Your feedback matters!

Thanks for checking out my deck and will be gladly reading and responding to any comment, would like to read some feedback on these card swaps.