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Anti Reno Mill Rogue

  • Last updated Jul 3, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 8620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/1/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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Good Old  Card Burns, had a game where my renolock opponent was out of cards on turn 9 ^^

For Fatigue Count: (First fatigue + last Fatigue) * number of cards/2

example Fatigue from 4 draws ( 1,2,3,4) ---> (1+4)*4/2= 10

4 draws ( 5,6,7,8)---->   (5+8)*4/2

Just for if you need to know how much damage you can deal with Brann Bronzebeard and 2 Coldlight Oracle on the first turn of fatigue:

8 draws +1 (their turn) (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, +9) ----> (1+8) *8/2= 36, 36+9= 45 . so that is way over lethal by then

normal Coldlight Oracle +Brann Bronzebeard + 1 Coldlight Oracle

6 draws +1 from fatigue 1 deals (1,2,3,4,5,6, +7) -----> (1+6) *6/2 =21 , 21+7=28 so this would be 2 short if your opponent is still 30 hp, if you need to plan ahead for this attack face atleast twice with your hero power.

This works for any number of cards drawn and fatigue dmg taken. Just make sure you know how many cards are in fatigue, And there is always + 1 fatigue turn on their turn.


general plan:

Stall the game as much as you can with healing, taunt and efficient use of board clear. (remember Sap can work as an Assassinate when your opponent has 10 cards in their hand, also Vanish can be a 6 mana kill 7 minions when your opponent has 10 cards in hand)

Doomsayer is kept as a one of because it generally won't go off after turn 2. It can act as a +7 hp to your hero if used after turn 2, because they have to kill it (if your health isn't low enough to give them lethal yet)

Try to combo Emperor Thaurissan with Brann Bronzebeard Coldlight Oracle and Violet Illusionist For some insane mill at the end where you can't die from your own fatigue.


1)   Don't care too much about your other cards. If you are low you should try to get Reno Jackson out of your deck before you mill hard, Other important cards: Coldlight Oracle Gang Up, Violet Illusionist

2) If your opponent doesn't expect you to be a mill rogue yet and they draw cards just let them for a few turns it will help out in the long run.

3)   If you are low on cards and have Brann Bronzebeard and Coldlight Oracle just use them both (unless you are against super aggro matchups) when you need to get Reno Jackson  faster.

4) If for some reason you had to use 2 Coldlight Oracles to survive without using Gang Up on them, You can also Gang Up Reno Jackson just make sure you use your Reno Jackson without duplicates in your deck before you Gang Up him again.



Always keep Coldlight Oracle it's such a pain to not draw it for a long time. If you get Coldlight Oracle keep Gang Up, if you really get lucky even keeping Preparation or Shadowstep is fine.

Against aggro you want removal as much as you can, Backstab Fan of Knives Eviscerate. You don't really want to keep Coldlight Oracle against heavy aggro but for your gameplan its still a good keep if you already have some removal in your hand.



List of alternatives (you can pretty much use these over all other minions except for Brann BronzebeardColdlight Oracle , Violet Illusionist , Reno Jackson and The Curator ), Emperor Thaurissan can be replaced for one of these cards but i don't recommend it. Thaurissan can make your life a lot easier even though you sometimes don't get to use him.

SI:7 Agent ---- Solid early game removal with a Backstab

Earthen Ring Farseer ----- Good body and early healing

Refreshment Vendor ----- Good mid-game body and decent healing

Youthful Brewmaster ----- Help with good battlecries

Gadgetzan Ferryman ---- same as Youthful Brewmaster just less flexible

Dark Iron Skulker ---- Good vs board flood decks

Journey Below ---- Can work certain situations. good to getBloodmage Thalnos , Abomination , Sylvanas Windrunner

Jeweled Scarab ----- Possible to get Coldlight Oracle or Brann Bronzebeard

Sen'jin Shieldmasta or Cyclopian Horror ---- Decent taunt, but don't trust too much on taunts removal cards should be prioritized over these.

Arcanosmith ---- Very annoying for fast decks to get past the taunt, good stall card

Cult Apothecary ----- Good healing vs board flood decks

Mistress of Mixtures ---- good to trade early + heal vs aggro

Arcane Giant ----- If you hate losing against jade druids with this deck this is a good card to have in your deck. you can swap this with Swashburglar or Refreshment Vendor

Cards to avoid:

Don't get too much card draw cards in your deck. the only card draw you really need is Coldlight Oracle and everything that synergizes with it.

Beneath the Grounds ---- When you mill your opponent when this is in their deck and you want to vanish after the mill your hand can get very messy with 3 nerubians in it.

Assassinate ---- too slow

Shadowcaster ---- too slow

Thistle Tea --- not neccesary, it is really garbage if you get Backstab or Vanish out of this

Sprint ---- too much draw and you will likely need to use Preparation on it which is very bad because you need Preparation Vanish after Coldlight Oracle



6-3-2017: Replaced 1 Burgle and 1 Swashburglar for Youthful Brewmaster and Refreshment Vendor


- Burgle can save your life when you need removal or have a terrible hand without Coldlight Oracle but takes up a lot of your hand and sometimes you don't even get to use it so it is stuck in your end. It rarely helps you in a good way.

- 1 Swashburglar  out makes Reno easier to pull off. And it gives you 1 more card in your hand that can mill a important card in your deck when you get something out of it with a high mana cost.

+ Youthful Brewmaster, this card is amazing, i used it a lot in my Fatigue warrior with Iron Juggernaut, It makes Reno Jackson easier to pull off twice because you don't have to Gang Up for the second time, You can throw back a heal or Coldlight Oracle

+ Refreshment Vendor, Just a solid body with good healing, Healing the opponent doesn't matter because you will have way over 30 dmg with fatigue. The only downside is that your opponent will likely think you aren't a standard miracle rogue after you play this (Same for when you throw Doomsayer on the board)


- Swashburglar - not that great the randomness can win you games but you shouldn't rely on this card to win the game

+ Arcane Giant - was against a jade druid that just shuffled 40 jade idols into his deck...


Testing a new variant and im liking it a lot.

- Violet Illusionist- a win condition vs heavy control

- Youthful Brewmaster-- situational

- 1 Fan of Knives- not too many zoo decks

-  1 Shadow Strike - not really needed a second time, maybe against dragon priest only

- Emperor Thaurissan- too slow



+ 1 Arcane Giant- amazing vs jade druid

+ Mistress of Mixtures- amazing vs aggro

+ Dark Iron Skulker- better than Fan of Knives often

+ SI:7 Agent- good with Backstab

+ Earthen Ring Farseer- good when on the board before you vanish for more healing if needed


- Shadow Strike for Mimic Pod to test it out



Ty for viewing this deck. I just made a quick guide if anyone has questions just ask.

Good Mill Rogue streamers i recommend checking out on youtube are:  Savjz and Ryzen