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Ancient Shade OTK

  • Last updated Jan 10, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Ramp Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 13100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/20/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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With this deck, you can use Ancient Shade to do an "OTK" combo with Druid !  but the OTK will happen on the enemy turn (so, can kill even mages with Ice Block and rogues with Evasion )! Thanks to the new King Togwaggle card, it's a meme deck and hard to execute, but it's really fun and gratifying when done right !

i apologize in advance for any wrong pronunciation, english is not my native language, but i did my best to do this video explaining how the deck works:

You'll need Aviana to set minion cost to 1 + Kun the Forgotten King (or a 1 left of durability) Twig of the World Tree to refresh your mana crystals + Brann Bronzebeard to double the curses of ancient shade  ----- now, when you're near fatigue ,might as well use your draw power with cards like Nourish and Branching Paths and other cards to help you draw more,  to hit fatigue (yes, you want to have 0 cards left in your deck, to make the OTK combo effective).

So, if you hit fatigue, you need to set this  up. Then, set the combo, and you should now use 2 Ancient Shade's with brann, you'll have now 28 damage of Ancient Curse's , so, if you want to add Youthful Brewmaster or Ancient Brewmaster to your deck, you can drop ancient shades again on the board, this might be good, because this can guaranteee more than 4 curses (at least 42 damage, if you have 6 curses now, for example) it's ok, since your objective is to stall your opponent until you hit fatigue,  so, your opponent can still have a lot of health, since we're playing on defensive mode in this deck.

And last, with all the curses ready in your deck, you should destroy your own Brann Bronzebeard, i recommend  a card like Naturalize   for this, because it costs you just 1 mana do destroy Brann, Mulch can be used too (so, you can use either 2 naturalizes or 2 mulchs in your deck, it's your choice, but you should have at least 1 naturalize or 1 mulch left to kill brann, it's part of the combo). So, you need to destroy Brann to play the last card : King Togwaggle, to swap decks, (if your brann was alive, it would swap deck to your opponent, and swap back to you again, you don't want curses back in your deck again do you ??? lol =P).

finally, pass your turn and watch the  cursed enemy fall, without knowing what hit him/her !!!

Final tips: Just remember that, if you really want to hit fatigue to do the combo, you'll need a lot of removal, draw power, Ramp and healing or taunts in your deck in order to survive that long. I  also use Tree of Life (someone remember this card) ? xD, it's a full heal that helps you stall the game even more. More defensive Cards like: SwipeWrathSpreading Plague, Starfall, Doomsayer and the Druid DK: Malfurion the Pestilent are great too.

Just to remember your combo cards, that you should have in your hand while in fatigue mode:

------------------------------------------------- COMBO CARDS-------------------------------------------------

0 - You should have no cards left on your deck (Fatigue mode), be careful to not mill your combo cards.

1- Aviana

2 - Kun the Forgotten King or 1 left of durability Twig of the World Tree

3 - Brann Bronzebeard

4 - 2x Ancient Shade's

5 - (depends of the situation) in case your enemy has more than 28 HP left, you should have 1x Youthful Brewmaster  left in your hand to pull back ancient shade, to do the max of 42 damage with Brann (so in this case, you can really OTK and kill Full 30 HP enemies or 30 HP enemies with 12 Armor in the worst case). But in the case your opponent is an Armor Cheater (Control Warrior), you should have 2x Youthful Brewmaster, to do the max of 56 damage to your enemy (so, you can destroy a max of 30 HP and 26 Armor left of the enemy, in the worst case).

6 - You should have either 1x Naturalize or 1x Mulch remaining in your hand.

7 - King Togwaggle

-------------------------------------------------DRAW POWER CARDS-------------------------------------------------

1 - 2x Nourish

2 - 2x Branching Paths

3 - 2x Wrath

4 - 2x Wild Growth (can ramp or draw)

5 - Bloodmage Thalnos

6 - harrison jones (possible draw) - Changed for Doomsayer

Obs-1: Tech Substitution: You can add:

6 - +2x Azure Drake's to your deck, is a good card that can add more draw power plus, spell damage to your deck.

Suggestion: to put 2x Azure Drakes you can swap for -2x Stonehill Defender or -1x Tree of Life -1xSpreading Plague, however, you'll be more vulnerable to aggressive decks.

Obs-2: tested Ultimate Infestation with this deck, but ended up as a really heavy card that can burn your combo pieces, so, was not worth to add it to de deck at all




-------------------------------SINGLE TARGET REMOVAL CARDS AND AOE CARDS----------------------------

1- 2x Wrath

2 - 2x Swipe

3 - 1x Starfall

4 - 1x Naturalize (do not use this for removal if you used one Mulch already)

5- 1x Mulch (do not use this for removal if you used one Naturalize already)

Obs-3: Tech Substitution:

1X Naturalize AND 1x Mulch VS 2x Naturalize vs 2X Mulch

Usually, i consider using 1x naturalize and 1x mulch option better, because helps you to  remember if you used one of the options early on easier. Also, while Naturalize is cheaper, it can also give your opponent card advantage, so watch out for this. But, as a 1 mana cost hard removal,  still great, and can save you sometimes, in rare situations can also help to burn/mill your opponent's cards.

Mulch this card will usually give your opponent crap minions (they can get strong ones too, sure. but the random chance of getting bad cards is greater than good cards, since there is way more cheap minions  on the game than high cost minions), so, this will give something out of the enemy deck, while naturalize helps the enemy to get their answers of their decks faster, but mulch is an Epic card, and it's a 3 mana cost card, and has this random minion factor with it.

So, it's your choice, i like the 1 of each option, but you're free to change the deck as you like.

-------------------------------DEFENSIVE/TAUNT CARDS AND HEALING CARDS--------------------------------

1 - Malfurion the Pestilent

2 - 1x Tree of Life

3 - 2x Branching Paths

4 - 2x Spreading Plague

5 - 2x Stonehill Defender

6 - 2x Doomsayer

6 - 1x sludge belcher - Changed for Doomsayer

--------------------------------------MULLIGAN/STARTING HAND-------------------------------------------------

1- Cards You don't want: Any combo cards in your starting hand, because they're "dead cards" until you hit fatigue and find all your combo pieces. You don't want any other high cost cards too, like Tree of Life.

2- Cards You want: cheap  mana cards to start with ,you'll always want defensive and early removal and maybe some ramp. So, cards like: Doomsayer, Wrath, Stonehill Defender, Swipe and Wild Growth are great must keeps.

3 - OK Cards to Keep: Bloodmage Thalnos Can force your opponent to trade, because, usually, they're afraid of the spell power he gives, he also helps you to draw and the spell power makes Wrath and other removals stronger.

1x Naturalize or 1x Mulch, if you feel, your opponent might be Aggro, and has  scarry early game drops with 4+ of HP (that Wrath, cant get rid), like Totem Golem or buffed murlocs or any other cards that must be removed immediately, keep one of this cards, However, if your opponent is more like Midrange or Control, you want to use one of this removals only on really strong targets, remember this is the only 'Hard removal' you have on this deck.

just 1x Youthful Brewmaster, you can keep and use him If your enemy is not a control warrior. You can use this card for early board presence and he can also pull back Stonehill Defender for more taunts or pull back and "SAVE" any of your combo cards, remember Deathlord and Dirty Rat ? they can ruin your combo by forcing cards like Aviana on the board, in this case, however, one Brewmaster can save your day, while the other brewmaster must not be kept on your mulligan,  to free your hand of combo pieces and ensure a combo against 29+ HP enemies later on.

Branching Paths You should use the Eat the Mushroom option almost always, as we want to draw the deck as faster as we can. But the Loot the Chest option can save you quite sometimes against burst face damage mages and aggro decks . You can also use it rarely to give minions +1/+1 with the Explore the Darkness option, (often, only good after a Spreading Plague wall of Scarab Beetle survives, since your deck do not have strong board presence).

4 - Greedy, sometimes "OK" Options to keep: Malfurion the Pestilent The Druid DK can give you "Tons of Armor" or the favorable trades you need to stay alive early on, so, if you feel your opponent is not hyper aggro, you might want to keep this card.

 Starfall, is your second most important AOE removal spell, (after the 2 Swipe's you have), so, keeping a 5 cost card  sometimes is bad, but if have some of the "CARDS YOU WANT" already in your hand and you're afraid to find Swipe later, it's ok to keep.

Nourish  it's the most powerfull draw engine of your deck, that's it. You do not want to use the ramp option (gain 2 mana crystals) with this deck. You'll want to draw 3 cards 99% of the time. so if you're feeling safe and a bit greedy to draw your combo faster, keep this card, but, just like starfall, make sure you already have one of the "CARDS YOU WANT", greed can cost you the game, so be careful.



Have fun with the deck ! Hope you guys like it !