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  • Last updated Dec 4, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 8900
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/30/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Hi i'm Valentin and the last two seasons im climbing only with Dragon Priest. I will give some spoilers on my first Gadgetzan deck for the new season. The archetype is pretty much similar to all the other dragon type decks.  

Cards choices:

Twilight Whelp  good turn one drop. Good for removing Totems and early hunter cards. With no 2 drop for the priest is good to trade and heal in the second round. 

Wyrmrest Agent
 I wasnt so convinced that i want more dragons or cards with dragon sinergy but after including Wrathion i have decided that i dont want to draw 1 dragon because of a lot non dragon cards. So i cutted of one of them for one more dragon. Also i dont think that taunt is so needed in this deck. 
Drakonid Operative: The mean change in our deck. I have replace the one not so fittable Azure Drake. In general Azzure drake is a good card draw but the price for 4/4 minion with no Spell Damage synergy is useless. Drakonid Operative is one card that ill call OP. We can inspect our enemys deck and to chose one card . I strongly recommend combining it with Brann Bronzebeard . Against Paladin is gonna be like Ragnaros the logh word or Tirion :D DEAM ITS GONA BE CRAZY.

Dragonfire Potion
: One of the new and the best cards for piest. Long time priest didnt have good removal. Now we can protect a board full of dragons and clear the enemy board. We cant remove Azure drake for the shaman but we can remove almost everything else.

: We run only one use it only for Sylvanas Windrunner or Ragnaros the Firelord. Or in really bad situations. 

Twilight Drake
: Most of you will ask why. Because we have good card draw and most of the time we will have a lot of cards in our hand. Also it will give us a strong play in a mirror match against priest.

Harrison Jones
: Against control keep it for the Gorehowl. Also we have a lot of weapon buffs so i think it's totally auto include.The new metha will have even much weapons.
Volcanic Drake: This card was not suppose to work until the Dragonfire Potion arrives in the card pool.It will give us a good synergy and tempo after a board clear.
Wrathion: One of the new cards i bleave it will be good to draw some dragons in the same time to find some important card that we are drawing for. Imagine how many times we have use Azure drake just to find removal or AOE and we draw a couple of dragons. Now we can find it more easy. Also give us some synergy around Twilight Drake
Book Wyrm: Amazing kard give us a good body and remove most of the good minions that we don't want on our opponent board. 

Mulligan Choices:

No Coin: Twilight Whelp and Wyrmrest Agent or Shadow Word: Pain.

With Coin: Twilight Whelp,Wyrmrest Agent,Shadow Word: Pain and Blackwing Technician.


First Changes:
- 2 x Volcanic Drake
 1 x Alexstrasza
- 2 x Twilight Drake
+ 2 x Azure Drake
+ 1 x Power Word: Shield
+ 2 x Blackwing Corruptor

Second Change:
-2 x Blackwing Technician
-1 x Book Wyrm 
-1 x Wrathion
+2 x Kabal Talonpriest
+1 x Wyrmrest Agent
+1 x Chillmaw

I have start to face a lot of Reno Kabal decks so im bringing back Alexstrasza maybe.